Head Girl Part 2

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"I believe every Hogwarts student already owns that book. Is there something I can help you with?"

Dani looked up from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, a book she's read way too many times at this point. "I'm, uh... working on a project for this year's head girl selection."

"To move forward, you must first look back." Rowan's works echoed in Dani's head. And there she was, at Diagon Alley, back where she'd bet her best friend for the very first time, where they agreed to be weird together and have each other's backs.

"I keep a reading list of the favourite books of every head boy and girl ever to attend Hogwarts. Would that be of any use to you?" Villanelle asked.

Dani closed Fantastic Beasts and put it back on the shelf for the next first-year, feeling a pang at another reminder that Rowan's life never got to 'head girl'. "No thank you, I'll manage."

As Villanelle went to talk to another customer, Dani went back outside, wondering where to go next. The gold lettering of 'OLLIVANDERS' caught her eye.

A smartly-dressed customer frowned skeptically at a wand. "I'm an auror, Mr. Ollivander. Don't you think aspen or oak would be a better wand for duelling death eaters?"

"Ah, but your career as an auror is exactly why I'm recommending a rowan wand. Not only is rowan associated with the most pure of heart, it is one of the most defensive wand woods against dark magic. It's often underestimated by many. Give it a try first," Ollivander replied as he packaged the wand. "Ah, Miss Jackson! How's your ebony wand serving you?"

"Not good enough to stop my ex-professor from murdering my best friend, I guess."

Mr. Ollivander shook his head. "Such a tragedy. The Khannas had such a bright daughter... And I remember Rakepick was the one who came to get your new wand with you last year. I've always said that the next generation deserved a half-decent DADA professor for once."

"You were just talking about rowan wands," Dani pointed out. "It reminded me so much of OUR Rowan-even though she wasn't seen as one of the biggest threats in our group, she had a heart of gold and would go to any lengths to protect those she loved the most. She'd make a great head girl."

"Head girl, eh? I know Dumbledore doesn't announce until the summer holidays, but do you guys have any guesses?"

"We have quite a few equally viable choices, so it's out on the money." (By 'equally viable', she meant 'equally impractical'.)

"And you're one of them?"

Dani nodded. "That's why I'm looking back on my friendship with Rowan-I'm trying to find some way to prove myself to Dumbledore. For me, and for her."

"Well then... do you and Miss Khanna have a place that means a lot to you both, perhaps? I'm sure you would find some answers there."

Dani left Ollivander's with only one place in mind.
"Shouldn't you be out drinking with your friends?" Aberforth Dumbledore asked Dani as she appeared at Hogsmeade station.

"Why aren't you serving drinks back at the Hog's Head, then?" Dani asked.

"Slow day without your lot. And I have to pick up a goat."

"A goat? Either you really like goats, or you're planning to-"

"Care to guess my patronus?"

"A goat?"

"Looks like you still have common sense. Many people your age don't. But why are you here anyway?"

Deciding that Aberforth would be weird enough to believe her, Dani told him about Rowan's ghost and her message. Aberforth shook his head.

"You know what, dwelling on the past won't do you any good. You need to look at past head boys and girls and how they got there. Start with my brother. Show him how much you want it."

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