Head Girl Part 4

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"Professor Binns?" Dani walked towards her translucent former professor in the empty classroom. "I was hoping you might be able to teach me about ghosts."

"Ghosts choose to be ghosts," said Binns. "Every ghost you meet here is an imprint of a soul, suspended in half-existence, in fear of what's next."

"Well, then... Why are YOU here?"

"To teach students, of course."
"Tha' doesn' sound teh me like somethin' Rowan woulda done," said Hagrid, setting a rock cake on the table in front of Dani.

Dani stared at it for a bit before speaking again. "Rowan believed in me. And I failed her."

"Yeh never told her teh go teh teh forest tha' nigh'. Tha' was her choice. An' she would've been happy teh see her friends back together an' Rakepick in jail." Hagrid leaned towards Dani. "Rowan cared about yeh so much, Dani. Think abou' all teh times she was there fer yeh, supported yeh in yer crazy adventures, cheered yeh on when yeh did something hard..."

"Maybe that was the part about looking back," said Dani. "The friendship itself."

"An' yeh know what tha' inspired yeh teh do? Yeh got yer friends back together, in her honour. Yer gonna talk to 'em an' think of Rowan. That's gonna stay with all of yeh."

"She IS with us. Always. I think even if she was competing against me for head girl, she'd finish her essay and help me with mine." For once, a good idea popped into Dani's head. "Isn't that what friends are for?"
"Having spent time with Bill and all the prefects, I honestly think that just because Rowan would make the best professor doesn't mean she'll make the best head girl after all," said Charlie.

"Really? Why?"

"You're a natural leader, Dani," replied Charlie. "You've always been the best at rallying us and gettinv us to do what you want without us hating you. Because some people just act scary, or look scary, or are not scary at all..."

"I don't want to know which one I am, then." Ben flopped into an armchair.

"Uh huh," said Dani as she wrote something down.

Ben sat up. "Really. I'm not an 11-year-old anymore. I won't cry even if you insult me to my face."

"We weren't gossiping behind your back," said Charlie. "I was telling Dani why I thought she'd be a good head girl."

"Well," said Ben, "I think a good head boy or girl should do sh*t for the school. Like someone we know has been doing since her first year."

He met Dani's eyes as she smiled at him before talking to Charlie about the upcoming final quidditch match.

The Gryffindor common room was loud with footsteps, explosions, and nobody discussing cursed vault game plans.

At least until Voldemort came to haunt them all... All was well.

Or as well as it could be with our heroes.

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