A Very Weasley Christmas Part 1

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Merula woke up in the hospital wing, with Snape's gaunt face staring down at her.

"Wait till Dumbledore finds the time to deal with you, young lady."

"...How much trouble am I in, exactly?"

"For starters, you and Miss Jackson will be helping me clean my classroom every day once classes restart until I tell you otherwise."

Merula groaned loudly.

"Would you rather the Mahoutokoro wizard cast the killing curse on you?"


"Trust me, you don't. Besides, you and Miss Jackson are now officially stuck in the castle over the holidays."

This came as a both a shock and relief to Merula. "So... The Hogwarts Express left without us?"

"We would've waited for you, especially considering the dangerous circumstances, but the train was in a rush to leave because of an upcoming snowstorm near London. Anyway, without Madam Pomfrey, you'd better head back to your dormitory. Miss Jackson has already returned to the Gryffindor tower."
Probably because this doesn't happen a lot, nobody tells you how a nearly-deserted Hogwarts is like.

While Dani and Merula both took their professors' advice and spent time on their holiday homework (I mean, it wasn't like they had a choice), there really wasn't much to do, with no lessons and knowing better than to leave school grounds.

In their free time, Dani experimented with Zonko's products she'd never got around to using and also tried to figure out how the grand staircase worked-neither of those to any avail-while Merula chucked the three puffskeins that somehow ended up in the dungeon corridor the day after the train left at the frozen courtyard fountain and watched as they skated around or slid off the frozen ice pillar.

"You guys do like it like this, don't you?" Merula asked the puffskeins one afternoon (and was completely ignored). "I think the prefects need to know that."

At dinner, Merula brought the puffskeins in and tried to share her stew with them until Dani came over with her sandwich and copy of Advanced Potion Making. "So... Have you gone soft or gone crazy?"

"I suspect the latter," replied Merula as one of the puffskeins wriggled in her hand. She'd found herself talking to Dani more and more as the days went by-mostly about homework-even though she'd tried to not to, especially after the lake incident. If she had nobody to bully or copy homework off, at least they could laugh over just how f*cked the entire year (but Rowan) was.
On the morning of December 24th, Merula arrived at the lower floor corridor to see Dani rushing out of the castle. "Hey! Where are you-"


Merula looked. There was a blue Ford Anglia flying into the training grounds.

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