Valentine's Day Part 2

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"Greetings, connoisseurs of fine literature! I relish these intimate book-signings as a chance to get to know each of my readers, but I'm quite certain you'd rather get to know me!"

"So what happens at an official book-signing?" Barnaby asked the rest of the group.

"We watch the author sign books?"

"...I might have a surprise for a few special guests!" Lockhart concluded his spiel, and began signing copies of Voyages with Vampires.
"When Lockhart's talking, it's as if nothing else in the room matters," groaned Andre.

"He did mention a surprise earlier," said a giddy Penny. "Do you guys think it's for us?"

"A galleon if it's about HIMSELF," said Merula.

"Maybe he'll announce his next book, considering he goes on so many adventures," Talbott wondered.

"...I promised you an incredible surprise, and I shall deliver!" Lockhart's voice rang across the bookstore. "Please turn your attention to the young Hogwarts students in attendance..."

Penny nudged Merula. "Looks like you owe me a galleon now."

"These randomly chosen students thought they were simply invited guests to my book-signing, but they are about to become my apprentices for a special Valentine's Day project! Let's take a moment to recognize the good fortune of these young witches and wizards..." Lockhart droned on as Merula begrudgingly flipped Penny her galleon.

"So... Does this mean WE get to help him sign some books now?" Barnaby asked excitedly.

"We're his apprentices, not his personal assistants," said Andre.

"Well hello, dears," said Mrs. Weasley as she walked up to the group. "When I heard Hogwarts students were invited, I was hoping one of them would be Charlie.

"We can decide if we're lucky after this Valentine's Day project we've been signed up for, Mrs. Weasley," said Merula blankly.

"Don't you worry, Merula, you're in good hands. Now go enjoy yourselves... And Voyages with Vampires, of course!"

Lockhart approached as Mrs. Weasley left the shop. "Just look at the lucky lot of you! I have somewhere special to show you all..."
Inside Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop...

"So what do you think of the place? I'd say it's magnificent!"

"Dani and I went on our first date here," said Barnaby.

"Yeah, it was... memorable," Dani added.

"Brilliant! Then some of you are already familiar with here... And no place more appropriate to host my Voyages, Vampires and Valentines event!"

"Sounds ridiculous," Merula whispered to Dani.
"Now, are there any questions?"

"Mr. Lockhart, is this a party to celebrate you, your book launch, or Valentine's Day?" asked Dani. (At that point, it'd be a perfectly valid question.)

"Precisely!" Lockhart exclaimed. "Clearly you should lead my fine team of apprentices in planning this historic event!"


"Apologies, I've no time for more questions. More instructions will follow. You'll do brilliantly! Farewell!"

"So... I guess that means all three?" said Dani as Lockhart left.

"We barely even got a word in," complained Andre.

"You'd think that idiot'd be tapped out by now, talking as much as he does," said Merula.

"What does an apprentice do if not sign books, anyway?" asked Barnaby.

"I dunno, shall we talk about this over dinner? I'm starving."
Back in the great hall...

"So what are we now, Lockhart's party planners?" asked Talbott. "What will we need for this party, anyway? The tea shop is VERY pink already..."

"Flowers, for sure," said Penny.

"Voyages and vampires?" suggested Barnaby.

Andre made finger guns. "DATES! What's v-day without them?"

Penny began playing with her gorgeous blonde locks, Talbott suddenly became very interested in a particular strand of spaghetti, and Merula blushed involuntarily at the thought of her man whom she had a -100% chance with as Andre stared expectantly at his favourite ship at school. (don't worry, they're not all thinking about Dani)

"Oh sh*t, I literally have two essays due tomorrow!" Dani sprang up from her seat and left in a hurry.

"You're only delaying the inevitable," said Andre as Dani disappeared from view.
The next morning, in the greenhouses...

"Morning Dani," Barnaby said as he put another bunch of roses into his basket. "Penny said we needed flowers for the party, and I'm picking roses, because it's Valentine's Day and Sprout has planted loads of them."

"I'm sure Lockhart can't say no to the most romantic flower for his party," agreed Dani. "Plus, it's less questionable than his other... requests. Some of us got an owl at breakfast about stuff we need to have before our meeting today."

"Bummer," replied Barnaby. "I was hoping we could have a good date this time around." He took one of the roses out of the basket. "If you're on the same page, of course."

"Why, thank you Barnaby," Dani accepted the rose. "I'd love to, but I guess I just want everything to be perfect."

Barnaby seemed thoughtful. "Maybe we can make some magic happen. This is Hogwarts after all. Shall we get to class?"
After class, Dani and Talbott arrived in the Transfiguration classroom to find Andre on the verge of a breakdown. "Who picks LURID PINK as a dress code?! I swear, if we all show up to the party in those hideous colours, I'm not Andre Egwu, style wizard!"

"Pink?! Can I attend the party as a bird instead?! Maybe you guys can paint my feathers white and I can pass for one of the doves Lockhart asked for," said Talbott.

"That settles it," said Dani. "NOBODY will be going to the party in pink. Oh, and there won't be doves either, because there aren't doves at Hogwarts."

"I owe you one, Captain Valentine."

Dani chuckled. "Stick with my name."

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