Chapter 30

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"Honestly, I prefer being chained in Filch's office," said Merula as she plated another soggy sandwich. "That's a punishment worthy for the heroes of Hogwarts."

"Don't jinx it," said Ben flatly as he sliced tomatos.

"The whomping willow is our only maybe-but-probably-not lead to catching up to R right now," said Dani. "And since Dum-"

"Actually," said Jae as he banged a pan on the table, "I have a strategy to get close to the whomping willow and leave in one piece. I've just been too busy doing more... interesting stuff for that."
Merula yawned as they stepped out into the chilly early morning air. "Why couldn't we do this at night, like we always do?"

"As Jae told us, it's all reverse psychology," explained an excited Ben. "Dumbledore and Filch think we'll lay low for a bit, then sneak out after bedtime, like we always do. HOWEVER, today, for once, we're waking up early."

"I wanna sleep," said Merula. "It's Saturday."

"Can't stop you, have fun getting your a*s whomped," said Ben.

"Remember, run, find cover, scan the area, then run back out." said Dani. "Everybody in position? Alright, in three... two... one..."

As the other two took off, Merula stumbled wearily towards a precarious stack of rocks that barely obscured a grown woman's whole body.


Poking her head around, she spotted a black quill laying in the grass.


Merula dove for the quill, before scrambling back towards the castle, just out of range of a long, whomping branch.

"Nice job, buddy," said Dani as the trio reconvened.

"You-Know-Who faces the wrath of Albus Dumbledore another day."

Soon, at the Gryffindor table, Dani helped herself to cereal as Ben untransfigured the quill and began reading in the softest, creepiest voice he could muster.

Dark wizards and witches come ye all to Borgin and Burkes. Our mission continues. And our plans will not be deterred-

"Who are you pretending to be, Copper?"

"I suppose this is what You-Know-Who would sound like."

"Rich coming from someone who didn't know our world exi-" Dani cut Merula off with a glare, who proceeded to remove the parchment from Ben's hand. "Fine. But you don't have to read out, I dunno, You-Know-Who's understudy's-or whoever their esteemed leader is-entire spiel. See here, they'll be having a meeting outside Borgin and Burkes. And we have-wow, quite a bit of time (gotta fit in the Valentine's Day quest)-to prepare. That's all we as the Circle want and need to know."

"So what do we do while we wait?" asked Ben as the owl mail came in. Dani got a letter, which she ripped open.

"Moody wants to meet up to check in on our progress... 'remember to exercise constant vigilance'..." Dani lowered the letter. "We should probably get the ball rolling before something unexpected comes up, or we get a new lead or something. We'll have to find people to be at the scene for backup. Also, who's up for sacrificing another Hogsmeade trip to scout out the area?"

"Me," said Merula. "Won't be too much of a sacrifice anyway."
"Wotcher, Dani!" said Tonks as they were leaving. "Any news?"

"We found out that R will be having a meeting next month near Borgin and Burkes," said Dani. "It'd be great if you could, you know, turn yourself into a dark witch and keep watch for us."

"Of course, anything for the Circle. Besides, I never miss out on an opportunity to-"

"Guys, have you heard?" Tulip ran up to Dani and Tonks. "Bilton is having a sale today! Hurry, let's get there before the crowds do!"
Knockturn Alley...

"This'll be a piece of cake," said Merula to herself. "WAY too many hiding places."

"Hey Merula, don't see you around here a ton!"

Merula screeched and turned to see Jae with Alistair, the dodgy merchant who traded them the invisibility cloak. "Did Dani send you?"

"Yeah, we'll be infiltrating-"

"Infiltrating?" Alistair repeated. "Young man, you ought to make use of that cloak. VERY good for espionage, let me tell you."

"Whatever you guys are doing, I want in," agreed Jae.

"She did ask me to recruit some backup or something... Good. We'll tell you more in due course."

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