The Incident

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Snap. I heard and felt. My leg gave out on me immediately and I fell to the ground. I held my leg in pain biting my tongue to hold back my scream. I looked up at Captain Cold in front of me. I never felt so much pain in my leg before. I don't think I can stand it right now. Not with this pain in my leg. I looked up at him as he chuckled and got ready to kill me.

"Flash, your time as a hero is over!" He says proudly looking down on me like a king to a subject. I tried to get on my feet, but it was hopeless. A strong pain shot up from my leg. I bit my tongue harder till I tasted blood. I looked around for any help in this abandoned factory, but not to my surprise there was no one. Just me and Captain Cold. I try crawling away from him, but he puts a foot on my back forcing me down. I couldn't move. I spent too much energy in this fight already. My heart was pounding in my chest, my lungs burned from how much I ran. Now all this pain was for nothing. All this fighting was for nothing.

In the corner of my eye I saw a broken land pipe on the ground. If I could reach it. I could knock him out. I started to reach for it slowly so he wouldn't see. He seems to focus on my death to notice my attempt to escape it. I heard a click, the sound of a gun ready to be fired. I only have one shot.

"Goodbye Flash." I heard him say as my fingers touched the lead pipe. I managed to grab it and quickly swing it at his face. I heard the clang that was quickly muffled by the ringing gunshot. I felt the pain in my side as the bullet grazed my side. Captain Cold fell to the ground. Limp and unconscious. I caught my breath while holding my side. I held it to keep the pressure on my wound.

Once the pain in my leg faded I managed to stand holding only the wall. Any movement in my leg causes immense pain. I need to get help, but no one can see me in my suit. I need to get out of it.

Once I got out of the factory I took off my suit and hid it in a bag. Underneath all of my paper work. I make the papers scattered and make sure none of my valuables are visuals. Like my wallet and keys. I take out my phone and start walking towards Mr. Watts lab. It was late at night and no one seemed to be in Corecity. At least in this immediate area. I looked through my contacts quickly, my hands still shaking with fear. I fumbled to Slade's Number and pressed call.

I heard the timing and waited for a response. I hope he will answer my call. It went to voicemail. I called him again. I stumbled into a dark alleyway that was close to the lab with a hole the wall. I placed my bag into the hole and kept walking towards the lab. Slade answers the phone.

"Sabre?... it's almost one thirty in the morning..." I heard him say with a yawn. I sighed with relief.

"Slade! I need- Ah!-" the pain in my leg shot you suddenly causing me to lose my grip on the wall and my feet. I collapsed and dropped my phone to the ground causing the screen to crack.

"Sabre! Sabre, are you okay?!" Slade asked in a panic. I crawled over to my phone getting close enough so he could hear me.

"I.. I got jumped.... I.. I don't know who.... I can't walk.... Got shot...." I tried to explain as the pain got worse. My head is spinning from the blood loss and pain. My adrenaline is wearing off.

"Where are you?! Why didn't you call 911 first?!" Slade asked, I can hear him getting up and dressed from the background noise. I looked around for a street sign and found one far away.

"Miller's Street.... And... I just... wanted... a friend..." My vision started to blacken. I was going to pass out.

"Didn't see... who... or heard voices..." Everything started to become fuzzy. Slade's voice muffled out into the sounds around me.

"Stay awake.... Stay awake...." I told myself. I soon heard the sounds of footsteps and further off sirens.

"Sabre...." The voice was so loud and quiet at the same time. I felt a hand on my face making me look up. I saw Slade through the darkness staring to cover my sight. He was breathing deeply.
His hair was a black at night. His eyes are even darker. His skin is an orange tan. He stood over me with tears running down his face. He must have ran here... but how did he get here so fast?... or am I losing a sense of time as well.

"Stay with me Sabre, please Stay!" I heard him beg before darkness overtook me.


Things faded in and out at random. For a second everything was bright. I saw people around me. Mostly focusing on my side wound. Everything was moving and I felt someone holding my hand. It went dark again.


Next thing I knew I was in another bright room. Something was put over my face. A gas mask.... I think.... I was put under right after I woke up.


When I woke up for the last time I was laying in bed. A patient's bed. I could feel the effects of painkillers making me feel nauseous. I saw flowers on a nightstand and on my right I saw something I didn't expect to see. Slade. He was fast asleep, his head back and was snoring loudly. I looked down at myself to find I was now wearing patient clothes. I had bandages around my side and a cast on my leg. It's broken.

"Slade?..." I muttered with my raspy voice. I needed some water. It will probably help with my voice.... And the drugs....

He didn't respond, probably in a deep sleep. I sat up and looked for a chart. They always have one at the edge of the bed for a patient's report. I managed to grab it without straining my leg. I read through the papers to figure out what happened while I was unconscious.
It read of my injuries. A broken leg showed in my upper abdomen. The bullet didn't go all the way through and they had to put me in surgery to remove it. My leg had a deep fracture in my tibia and fibula. No need for surgery and an estimate of 20 weeks or five months to heal... and a list of extensive physical therapy in between. The estimated cost was just as scary as my broken leg itself.

I won't be able to run, if I can't run I can't use my powers as the Flash. Looks like for now the adventures of the Flash have to be postponed at least until my leg is healed. I sighed putting the chart back where it was and laid in my bed mankind the bed creaked with my sudden weight.
This is going to be a long five months. I looked back at Slade who was still asleep. I decided to go back to sleep. The most I can do is rest and hope my leg heals faster than planned. I hope the city stays safe until then.
(Words 1280) Welcome to a book I adopted from RedFireDragon10012 They were nice enough to let me write one of their books Ray I love so much! This book I am so excited to write out and I how ever or like this book am the one they wrote just as much as I do.

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