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My head was pounding, but as more time passed the pain lessened. I looked up at Rainbow who was crying... He had one hand on my head and the other I was holding tightly to comfort him. His hands were glowing in a light green tone. He... Does he have powers?... My thoughts wandered to the information given to me from the foster notes—a manifestation of powers. is this what they meant? Does Rainbow truly have powers?

"Rainbow?..." I asked him as I gathered myself together. 

"Dad! Y...you're awake!" He pulled his hand back as if hoping I didn't notice the light coming from his hands. It was such a gentle green I was a bit sad watching that light flicker away. I'll ask him about this later. I slowly sat up and hugged him. He froze before hugging me back.

"I'm so sorry they did that to you..." I muttered to him quietly. I have never felt that angry before to strangers, but knowing what they did to Rainbow I couldn't control myself. A part of me wants to run after them right now. Give them a beating of a lifetime, but I need to stay here for Rainbow... my-

"Rainbow! Sabre thank god you're awake!" I saw Slade come over to us with two other officers. I looked at Rainbow who then handed me my phone. He must have called them when I was out. 

"Yeah- did you find them?! The Millers?" I asked Slade. He nodded. 

"Yes, they are being taken to the station now until further notice. Do you have the video you took Rainbow?" He asked him. 

"Yeah! It's on Sabre's phone. The phone became locked though." Rainbow tells him. Did he take a video? Good. It will prove how much of a scum those people are. I unlocked my phone and open the latest video for him to watch. Another officer came over to me and checked my head. 

"You look a little bruised up. Do you have any light issues? Memory loss?" The officer asked me. He was checking if I had a concussion or not. I've had a few so I know what it feels like. I instantly shook my head. 

"No, I've had a concussion once or twice in my life, and I feel pretty okay rather than a small headache." I wonder if Rainbow had something to do with it. Rainbow seemed a bit nervous by the officer's question to me. 

"Lucky you then. Anyways how does the video look?" The officer looks at Slade. 

"It looks clean, has no edits, and the time of the video is correct to when this would of happened. I'll send the video to myself and then to my chief." He taps a few things on my phone and he gave it back to me. I nodded as a thank you."

"You two are free to go, if a trial is needed you both will need to come. Alright?"

"I understand the officer." I got up on my feet carefully and felt fairly well-balanced. Rainbow hugged my leg. I rubbed his head. We watched as they all left the scene with a quiet goodbye from Slade. He is on shift and can't chit-chat. I looked down at my left hand which was still covered in blood. That punch felt good. 

"Well... Today has certainly been eventful. Let's go home, but we should clean up." I told Rainbow. He shook his head and kept hugging me. I got down to my knees and hugged him being careful not to get any blood on him. 

"I thought... for a second you were going to do what they asked Dad." My heart broke. He thinks of me as a dad now... but he's still scared. I would be too. I was scared just like him when I was younger. I took a deep breath. I wanted him to trust me more, so he can be happy. I took off my blindfold slowly. Quickly the light around me made me go blind as my vision became white, but after a few minutes of me hugging him my eyes adjusted to the light around me, except all the colors seemed to be highly exposed and bright. It would take a while for my vision to go back to normal. I pushed Rainbow back from the hug so he could look at me. At my glossy pale green eyes in all their honesty and scars. Rainbow like this looked like he was out of this world. He truly seemed to be a brilliant rainbow.

"I would never hurt you. I will protect you with my life son." I smiled at him. Rainbow just stared at me, unable to speak.

"I was like you once, a foster kid. I never got a nice home to be in, and the last thing I want is for you to be like me. I will find you a home when you are ready, and no one will hurt you like that again. I swear on my life." Rainbow began to cry. I put my hand on his cheek and wiped his tears away with my thumb. He deserves the moon. For now, he is my son. 

"I... I think I'm ready to go back now... Dad." He seemed to be saying that word with ease now. I let go of him and put my blindfold back on, it didn't cure the strange saturation of colors around me, but it dimmed it slightly. I gathered out uneaten food as Rainbow wrapped the quilt nicely into a bundle. We went home knowing that these next few weeks would be chaotic, but hopeful for both Rainbow and me. 

I'll ask about his abilities after. 

Timeskip. A week later.

I got home late that night, everything was finally finished, and I have never been more exhausted. The week that came after the fight between them and the Millers turned into a court fight. Rainbow attended for some of it, but I had to be there the entire time. I wanted him to focus on his schoolwork. With a lot of paperwork, lawsuits, evidence searching, and very long meetings we won the case. The two are now under arrest for their crimes. They will be in jail for a few years, the wife shorter than the husband. With both having to take parenting classes with their jail time, they were sent to a jail outside of Core City like most criminals are today. Core City has become the holder of mainstream villains now. Sometimes small criminals will go there, but they try to keep most criminals who haven't caused major damage to the city and community outside of the jail. I just spent the last two days finalizing the paperwork. Rainbow was nervous for the first while, but now he's become so much more relaxed knowing that the Millers were behind bars. He has been spending time enjoying himself. I've never been happier with him. 

Right now he was watching some cartoons on the t.v. He looked at me when I came inside while I took the time to take off my shoes.

"Dad! You're back!" Rainbow smiled and ran up to me. He gave me a hug. I hugged him back.

"Hey Rainbow, did you get all you're homework done?" I asked him. He nods. 

"I also ate the leftover pizza from dinner yesterday!" I smiled. 

"Good job! You're growing up so fast already." I walked inside the apartment to clean up some dishes, there weren't many, but it would be enough to finish loading the dishwasher. 

"Is it all over now? The paperwork?" He asked as he grabbed a broom to help sweep up the kitchen and dining room floor. 

"Yup! It's officially going to be over." I started scrubbing some pots that have been left out for a while. 

"After this, I'll head to bed. It's getting late." Rainbow told me. I froze for a second remembering what I told myself last week.

"Actually, before you head to bed. Can we talk?" I finished cleaning the dishes and started to dry them. Rainbow put the broom and dustpan away. 

"Did something happen with the court?" He asked. I shook my head and put the dishes on away. Rainbow goes to the T.V and turns it off and sits on the couch. 

"This happened when we meet the Millers." I sat on the couch next to him, he took up one corner while I took up the other. 

"Did I do something wrong?..."

"No! The opposite of that... you did something amazing... I... I saw your hands Rainbow. They were glowing." Rainbow froze. 

"Y...you saw my hands?..." Any relief he has before seemed to disappear in an instant. 

"I did... and it's amazing! I've never seen anything like it before!" I smiled at him. I didn't want him to be scared. I know how scary it can be to have someone know you aren't... normal. Fully human. I am still scared of whoever that cop is. Rainbow looked down at his hands and started shaking.

"You... you aren't going to kick me out?..." I shook my head. 

"No, I wouldn't kick you out for something like this. I was just wondering if you could tell me more about it." I smiled gently. He looked back up at me. 

"You won't... do anything.... right?" I reached out my pinky to him. 

"Pinky promise." Rainbow laughed a little. 

"I think I'm a little old for that."

"Come on are you sure? A pinky promise is still a pinky promise." He then reached out his pinkie to me and accepted my promise. 

"Well... uh... ever since I turned 12 I could do things that no one else could do. My hands glow from all colors of the rainbows and strange things happen to me... The green means I can heal someone..."

"So you were healing my head? When does it get hit?" 

"Y..yeah!... and all the colors mean something different. Red means fire, and orange means... objects? Yellow is lighting-" I cut him off. 


"Yeah... like bolts of lighting." I thought back for a second. That villain... can do the same thing! his hands weren't glowing though... "Sorry, you can continue."

"Right! Green is healing... Blue is water or ice... Indigo makes me appear in random places while violet makes me see weird things... it's the one I hate the most." I titled my head.

"Hate it?"

"It makes me see things that have happened to me before... I don't know why... but it shows me things I don't like seeing." I placed my hand on his head.

"Strange... do you know why you have these abilities?"

"No... they kind of showed up out of nowhere..." I sat closer to Rainbow and wrapped my hand around him. 

"And we will figure it out. If you are okay with it I want to help you find out why you are a superhero in the making." I knew he wanted to be a superhero one day. Rainbow eyes lit up.

"A superhero like him? Like the flash?" 

"Yeah, you have such cool powers! You even already saved someone as he has... You saved me Rainbow." He smiles and hugs me.

"I... yeah! You're right! Maybe having these powers won't be so bad after all!"

"But just like the flash you got to keep it a secret! I'll be your agent who helps you out along the way." Rainbow shook his head.

"No... you're my dad who helps me out along the way." I simply smiled. 

(Words 1911)

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