A Flash for Today

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I heard the doorbell ring. It woke me up from a dreamless sleep. I groaned a bit from the noise before opening my eyes. I was still on the couch where I accidentally fell asleep. I slowly sat up and watched as Gerald fell off my head and into the ground.

"Rainbow could you get the door?" I asked him unsure of where he was. I picked up his pig plush off the ground and watched as Rainbow rushed past me from behind. He must have been in his room. He opened the door and smiled.

"Slade!" Rainbow cheers. I got to my feet and looked over at the front door. Sure enough, Slade was standing there. I didn't expect him to come and visit.

"Hey, kid! How is it going?" He grins as he hugs Rainbow tightly. He giggled as he got swung around in a tight hug. I laughed a little.

"Don't swing him around too much Slade," I rolled my eyes at him, even if he couldn't see it behind the blindfold I wear.

"I'm fine Dad! He does this all the time when we visit!" Rainbow lets go of Slade, and Slade rubs his head.

"Alright alright, what is the visit for Slade?" I asked him as Rainbow came back next to me. I have him Gerald as he squeezes it tightly.

"Just wanted to see how you were all doing, visiting my favorite people." He comes over and gives me a half hug. I shoved him away playfully. Rainbow looks up at the two of us.

"Since you are a police officer- do you like donuts!" Rainbow points to the table counter. Slade laughs a bit.

"I've always liked donuts. A police officer or not!" Slade joked a bit.

"We got some this morning, you can have some if you want." I offered him.

"Thanks, man, I need a sugar boost anyway." Slade goes over to grab some donuts in the kitchen letting Rainbow have some too. He showed him how to make them feel fresh by putting them in the microwave for a few seconds. Leaving Rainbow ecstatic at the idea of fresh donuts all the time. I didn't feel as hungry so I didn't grab any with them.

"So what are you two up to today?" He asks the both of us. I shrugged.

"No idea. I didn't have plans today other than what happened this morning. We got donuts and grabbed a few things at the Foster Care." I explain as I look at my phone checking any new news reports.

"Oh, what did you get?" Slade asks Rainbow. Rainbow shows him the necklace he got that he must have put on earlier.

"There was a note, a baby blanket, and this necklace! It's worth a lot of money..." He mumbles that last part a bit.

"That's super cool! But it's better if you save it. Money is nice, but in the end, you can always earn more if you work hard. Right, Sabre?" Slade looks over at me.

"Yeah, sometimes you need to learn a lot to get a good job, other times it's better to work hard and make your way to the top," I explain to Rainbow.

"I want to learn more! I want to read more books and learn about... everything!" Rainbow smiles a bit.

"Well, then you have a lot of reading to do! Maybe I'll add that to things to get for your birthday in a few days." I promised him. Slade looks at me entirely flabbergasted.

"When?! Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" I looked at him confused- I swore I told him about this.

"I thought I told you-" Slade cuts me off.

"It's only a few days away! How dare you only tell me now! Have you ever gotten all the supplies?!" He grabs my shoulders and stares at me with a cold puppy-eye look.

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