Lessons in School

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The next day me and Dad were in the car driving. The thought of school was a little nerve-wracking, it's  Thursday, but in one of my classes we had a test the day before and I'll get to know the results today. I wasn't sure how I felt about that test, but I hope I did well.

It's weird, I didn't go to school much because of my first foster parents. Now I get to go to school every day without having to hide bruises or eat as much as I can during lunch. I was safe and school slowly felt safer because of Sabre. I got multiple classes on a weird day, but I slowly got used to it. I had never been to middle school before. It took me a long time to catch up, but I feel a lot better now. I'm not the best but I can keep up with everyone else.

(Yes I had to look it up Rainbow is Twelve turning 13 so he is in his first year of middle school- awkward boi :(  it didn't feel right to me either but here we are-)

I had everything I needed today school work, books, pens, paper, pencils, a lunch, I also made sure to have a water bottle on me. I watch the small school get closer to us. Dad seemed a bit tired and wasn't talking much, I was too. I went out like a light after we ate dinner. Sabre even had to wake me up that morning. I still feel a bit tired... maybe it was from what we did yesterday at the beach? Sabre drives me to the drop-off area and smiles before rubbing my head.

"Ready for school? You still look tired Rainbow." He tells me. I laughed a bit while grabbing his hand on my head to stop him.

"I'm ready for school I swear!" He pulls his head off my head and I let go of his hand.

"Okay then, just know that I won't be available today, I have a therapy session for my leg since I missed the last one. Slade is going to come and pick you up after school." He tells me. Slade is picking me up? Weird I guess he couldn't get a time that worked with him taking me home.

"How long will I be with Slade?" I asked before getting out of the car and making sure my backpack was on my back.

"Probably an hour or two. I could only get the appointment squeezed in a little before." Dad apologized and handed me my water bottle. I took it from his hands.

"I understand, I'll make sure only Slade is here to pick me up!" I promised him. Sabre waves me goodbye.

"Call me if anything is okay. Have a good day at school Rainbow!" Just like that I closed the door and went inside. There were many students in this. Pretty sure this school is filled to the brim with kids my age. Still, they try their best here and everyone is nice and kind. Well all except one kid, but thankfully I only have one class with him. He has always been mean to me, but he has also been mean to other students as well. I think he has been reported a few times but nothing happened with it.

I went to my locker and slowly opened it before putting things inside that I didn't need until after lunch. The bag can get pretty heavy with how many things I have to carry around. Once I felt ready for the first three classes of the day I headed over to my first class. I don't have friends to talk to here... even after being here for so long. I just never really had anyone who talked to me who wanted to keep talking to me. They usually only ended up being my friends for a few days.

I got into my first class of the day which was empty except for the teacher. She welcomes me in with a smile before going back to her computer to get some work done. I sat down in my assigned seat before taking out a book to read. I try to read all the time to get better at it and it's kind of fun to read. More fun than talking to kids who don't care for me.

The door opened a little bit before the bell rang and I looked up to see someone I had seen around the school. I think his name is Neel. He is pretty shy, I've tried talking to him but he walks away. My teacher looked at Neel and clasped her hands together.

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