Blue and Green

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Me and Sabre spent the rest of the day learning and spending time together. Already letters are starting to make more sense and I think I understand them better than I have before. It was amazing how much I could learn in one day. I never thought I would feel so relaxed with a foster parent again, but here I am having the most fun I have ever had with an adult before. It felt nice to be taken care of and treated like a person instead of a strange child... If I knew how he was going to act towards me now I wouldn't have fought him when we first met.
    Maybe with him I have a chance to be normal.
    I still can't trust him though. I can't tell him the things I keep. I can't tell him everything that has happened to me, and yet I feel like if I did he would hold me tightly and keep me safe from my own memories. A bond is growing between us so quickly it can even seem overwhelming at times. Like it was moving too fast for me to understand. Too fast for me to really grasp if I do trust this strange weird adult. Maybe if I last the week I can find out. Maybe I won't need to run away from him now.
    It was now late and I was watching a movie about robots on TV. It was raining outside and I could see the raindrops sliding down the glass window and door in the balcony. I never enjoyed rain before. It only makes me remember the cold rainy nights I spent alone in that shed. I went to the windows and used the blinds to close the view of the rain. I hope it doesn;t start thundering. The thunder reminds me too much of that stormy night. The night where I first got r-
    "Rainbow? What are you doing?" I heard Sabre say tiredly.
    "Closing the blinds."
    "Oh okay, just wondering..." Sabre sounded exhausted. It was getting late and I was tired myself. He sounded more tired than I was though. He seemed tired for most of the day. Maybe it's his leg?
    "You are okay that I do?"
    "Of course. You can close the blinds if you want to. I'm not stopping you from doing anything. Unless it's dangerous, that is."
    "Okay." I sat next to him on the couch and continued to watch the movie. I looked at his face a few times seeing the blindfold he had that covered his eyes. I have never seen him take it off. I wanted to ask, but maybe it's too soon. Maybe it's something personal.
    "I know you are looking at me. Is there something you want to ask?"
"Yes... but I think you will get mad at me." He sat up with a groan putting some pressure on his bad leg as he sat up, his leg must really hurt.
"It's my blindfold isn't it? All kids ask about it eventually. I'm surprised it took you this long to ask." He seemed to have no emotions tied into his voice. I nervously asked him.
"Why do you wear it all the time?"
"Two reasons. The first is because of light sensitivity." I titled my head and Sabre chuckled a bit.
"When I was born there were a lot of problems with my eyes. I had a lot of surgery done on them until I was about five. They managed to fix everything about my eyes but I got the side effect of having a hard time adjusting to areas filled with light. So I wear these most of the time. I can take them off after I adjust to the light or we'll five minutes after I have this on, but I don't take them off so I won't have to worry about it."
"What happens when you get too much light?"
"I become blind and I get overwhelmed."
"Oh... so what's the second reason?"
"After the surgerys I had to get my eyes changed and my face has many scars. I never liked looking at my face after that and I keep this on. My eyes also have a glossy look to them as if I am blind." Sabre admitted to me.
"Kind of like how I hide my hair color cause I never liked it?"
"I guess..." He mumbled. It was really dark in the room. I wonder if I asked him to show me his eyes.
"Can I see them? Your eyes?" I asked him. He looked at me and shook his head.
"Sorry kid, but I don't even like Slade to see my eyes. He has only seen them once when a kid took my blindfold off during a kickball game."
"Okay.. I was just... wondering..." Sabre puts a hand on my head.
"Please don't take it personally. You are a great kid, I just really don't like it." He explained it to me. I nodded in understanding. I didn't know what else to say so we went back to watching the movie. Soon the credits rolled and the movie ended. I got up ready to go to bed, but noticed that Sabre fell asleep on the couch. I remember one of his rules where if I needed to wake him up I should turn on the lights... but I don't need him to wake up right now. I was about to go to bed myself... but I should make sure he has a blanket at least. I know how uncomfortable it can be to sleep on the couch when you're hurt... I went into his room and grabbed the first blanket on his bed. I dragged it across the hallway to the main room where I put the blanket over him. Sabre was now snoring softly probably because he had his head laying back. I laughed a bit at how funny he sounded.
I made sure the windows and doors were locked before deciding if I wanted to go to bed now or not. I turned on the T.V and the room seemed to go silent. Sarbe shifted in his sleep cursing his snoring to stop and his braced leg to hang over the edge of the couch uncovered by the blanket. I looked around the dark quiet room then back at my hands. I did it once... once for a sibling I was with at my last foster home, but it freaked them out... and within the next few hours I was sent back to the foster care. I sat down in front of Sabre's leg and put my hand on it gently wondering if I could do the same thing I did that day. If I healed a scratch maybe I could... heal his leg...
My hand glowed a soft green suddenly. I was surprised and flinched. I almost pulled my hand back from this. Last time I did, but such a small scratch only needed that strange glow from my hands, but this time I couldn't see if it was doing anything. Not seeing anything change I pulled my hand back after a few minus and the glow from my hand disappeared. I stood up and Sabre didn't seem to wake from what I did. I guess it did nothing...
On my 12 birthday the glowing hand started. The glow was anything from Red, Orange, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. When my hand glowed red. A fire would start either in my hand or in front of me. When my hands grow orange strange objects appear in my hands that disappear in a matter of minutes. When my hands glow yellow, lightning would strike on and around me. Green makes people's wounds heal. Blue makes water or ice appear. Indigo would suddenly make me appear in different places near where I am at. Violet was the worse... Making me see things from the past.
I can't control these things. These happen at random and usually during times where my mind blurs and panic fills my chest. I found a way to stop certain things and veen change what they will do, but when someone sees this happen to me. I am sent back before the day is over. I can't let him see me do things like this. He will only send me back like everyone else. I don't want him to kick me out. Not now.. Not after what he is showing he can do for me if I stay... If I behave... If I do exactly what he says.
I quickly went into my room and closed the door feeling the tears threatening to go down my face. I can't cry. If I cry... My hand glowed a soft blue color and I could hear the rain grow heavier outside. I took deep breaths trying to ignore the glow of my hands. Listening got my heart pounding as I tried to relax. I drowned out my thoughts. I soon heard nothing but my heartbeat. The room was now pitch black and the glow was gone.
I made my way to my bed and laid on it. The rain outside hasn't changed how heavy it was from when my hands started to glow. I guess in the end it wasn't my hands. I stopped these strange demon-like powers before it started. I closed my eyes in exhaustion. It was late and now I feel like I could sleep without any problems. I got under the covers as I felt my body go numb as I slept and took me away where I hoped that nothing would come of the blue and green light from my hands. I don't want to cause any suspicion to Sabre until...
I can trust him...
(Words 1638) I wanted to thank K1NQ_M0RoN for this fanart for the book! It's the first fanart for the book so thank you it's so cute and adorable and I love it!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Words 1638) I wanted to thank K1NQ_M0RoN for this fanart for the book! It's the first fanart for the book so thank you it's so cute and adorable and I love it!!

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