Burning Futures

137 16 61

Hai Ranger :)



The next day came too quickly, and so did the morning of me eating breakfast with Sabre, the school hours, going home, and him helping me get ready to meet these possible... new parents. Sabre even helped comb out my hair and seemed happy for me... Happy for me to have a chance at a new home. I wanted to be happy too... but, I didn't want to go. Thanks to him I can go into cars now without panicking so much... I can better learn how to read and write, he helped me get to a school where I have made friends... He made me feel safe to sleep at night and has never let me down... not even the night he was missing when the bridge collapsed. I didn't want to be with anyone else.

I just wanted him.

I couldn't care less about living in a small apartment, I liked the room and the small balcony I sit at when I study. I had the entire city to explore with him! Going to the mall like we did, even that weird store where I met one of his friends and we got pop rocks! All of it... the park where he defended me from my parents, the late nights we spent together when I couldn't sleep. Going to his therapy appointments. Seeing his life... This was the life I wanted! A life where I could be normal! I could even feel safe when my powers slipped up since I knew he still cared about me with the abilities I have... but he seemed so happy now.

Watching him get dressed- and also combing his hair out and adjusting his casual wear of clothes... He seemed so happy at the idea of me getting a forever home. He wants what is best for me... So why can't my best be with him? Here? Why can't he adopt-

"Are you ready to get going Rainbow?" Sabre looks at me as he heads to the door.

"Yeah... I'm ready." I head to the door with him making sure to turn off the lights. I looked up at my foster dad. He smiled brightly as he got his shoes on and grabbed his cane against the wall near the door. I smiled back, but it was forced. He tilted his head to the side.

"Are you alright Rainbow?" He asked me before kneeling down to my level. He always does that when he knows we need to talk seriously about something.

"I... will you be mad if they don't want me?" I lied to him. Well, it's kind of true, especially since I am not sure what he will think if this doesn't go well. He puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Of course not, if this doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. Even then, these things take time. We would need to meet up with them a few times over to see if it will work out. Just try not to worry about it so much. After all, we are just getting to know them. If you want to be with them, then we will try to get things figured out. This is all about you." His smile softens and I relax a bit.

"What if there was someone else I had in mind?" I half blurted out.

"Someone else in mind? What do you mean by that kiddo?" He gets back on his feet while I put my shoes on.

"Like... what if there was someone I knew... who might want me as there... son you know?" I stumbled with my words. Am I really going to try to tell him that I want to be with him? Now? Right as we are about to go to a family that wants me?

"Well, you can tell me and I'll try to talk to the parents about the idea. Did you have someone else in mind already? If you do we will have to do it later alright?"

"No! I uh... didn't have anyone else in mind... I was just curious." I finished tying my shoes and opened the door for my dad- Foster dad. He laughs a bit.

"I'm no lady, but at least you have the memo of ladies' first in mind." He teased a bit as he stepped out the door. I laughed with him as I got out of the apartment and into the hallway. He locked the door right after I closed it and we made our way to the elevator and out of the building. We went into the car where I sat shotgun, Apparently, foster dad is surprised that I am big enough and weight enough to sit in shotgun safely. Just like that, we started driving out into the busy streets and to whatever restaurant we would be heading to.

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