The Process of Being a Parent

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I lay in bed blankly. I stared up at the ceiling in the darkness of my room. I could still hear the sounds of cars passing through traffic in the early morning... At least I think it's morning. It's hard to tell how much I have been up and about. Every two hours I check up on Rainbow while he sleeps... but my anxiety was eating me alive. I couldn't sleep...

I got up from my bed sitting up. I took a deep breath trying to remember what I was told. I had to watch him closely to make sure no water was in his lungs and check for any signs of sickness. Being underwater that long could have left damage that won't be seen for 72 hours after the incident. The first 24 hours are the most important.

I looked at my phone. It was nearly five am. The last time I was on my feet it was three am. I couldn't even get myself to sleep. Maybe it's close enough for me to not have to force myself back to sleep after this. I groaned as I stretched my back and legs out before getting out of bed and heading towards Rainbow's room. Each step I took lightly was not to wake up. As I went into his room I found a peaceful sight.

Rainbow was lying on his side. His face towards me as he hugged one of the pillows on his bed. His blanket was only half on him as he quietly slept. He hasn't been coughing which is a good sign. I kneeled in front of him letting my slightly cold hand rest on his forehead. He didn't even stir from my sudden soft touch. His hair was a ruffled mess from his sleep. From what I could tell he wasn't running a fever. I sighed with relief as I pulled my hand away from his face. A small smile grew on my face knowing he was alright. At least for now.

I pulled the blanket over him to tuck him in nicely. He wouldn't let go of the pillow he held onto so tightly so I did the only thing I could do. I leaned down and kissed the top of his head. He still didn't stir from his deep peaceful sleep. With that, I left his room to let him sleep a little longer.

I closed his door quietly as I tipped my toe away from his room into the bathroom. I turned on the lights and faucet. The sound of rushing water jumped me a little. Still, I washed my face off a little to wake me up, even if it meant getting my blindfold a bit wet. I turned off the faucet and looked at myself in the mirror.

I looked like myself nonetheless. Just a bit tired. I slipped my blindfold up just enough to see dark bags under my eyes. I pulled my blindfold back under my eyes. My leg still ached from the physical therapy I did yesterday. My leg is getting stronger, but still not strong enough. I could still slip and fall if the feeling in my leg continued.

With a simple flick of the light switch, I made my way to the kitchen. I sat down at the table near the dining room. I looked at my phone to see Slade messaging me. I smiled a bit. He texts me when he is on breaks. It didn't matter to him if I was awake or not. When he is I usually manage to call him or at least text him for a few minutes.

"Hey, I'm on break tell me if you need anything sleepy head"

I laughed a little but covered my mouth to keep the noise down for Rainbow. I thought about it for a moment. Calling him would relieve some pressure off my chest. I haven't even gotten the chance to tell him what happened to Rainbow yesterday. Without too much hesitation I pressed the call button. I put my phone up to my ear and listened to the ringing.

"Sabre? Why are you up man?" Slade's voice echoed in my right ear. His confusion showed in his voice.

"It's a long story... is it okay if we talk? I know you probably weren't expecting a response." I laughed a little more quietly.

"Of course, first things first- why are you awake?" I could hear him shift in a chair from the audio.

"Rainbow, I didn't tell you yet... He went to the beach for a school field trip." I pause trying to find a way to word this. "A classmate went out to sea and nearly drowned. Rainbow went after him and... nearly drowned trying to get to him. He saved the kid's life..." I still feel proud of him for what he did... but more than anything...

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