Some new Colors

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    I walked into Slade's house a few minutes before seven. Well, apartment. People really think newly graduated college students can just live in a house. Now we live in apartments. They are decent, but not perfect. We don't have the money for perfection. Just as always it's a little bit messy. He just had me over no other people. Just a fun celebration of two friends.
    "Hey Slade, I'm here." I tell him he peeks his head out of the kitchen.
    "Hey! Always five minutes early." He greets me.
    "Yeah you know me. Even with this leg I come early." I laughed a bit. He laughs too.
    "I got some food. That's mostly it though. We can play some video games though." He  suggested.
    "Maybe I'll finally be able to beat you one on one." I joke. I love video games, but such at anything multiplayer. Slade laughs at my joke.
    "Not in a million years Sab." He put some nachos on the table while I sat down in a chair. My leg has been hurting a bit since I took off the cast. It's so much harder to walk on it now than it was before.
    "Sorry this cane is not doing me any good." I told him. He sits down in the chair next to me.
    "Does it hurt?" He asked with concern. I looked down at my leg.
    "Only a little. I have been walking around a lot today."
    "What have you been doing?" He gives me a plate of nachos as he eats from a plate he already served himself.
    "Getting ready for the next kid I'm getting tonight."
    "Already? Didn't you have a kid recently?"
    "Yeah, but he has found a much better home now thankfully. I just hope I can for the new kid." I ate some of the food.
    "Who's the kid. I wouldn't mind meeting them." He says. He likes that I do Foster care and has been thinking about doing it himself but with his job in the police force with no other person watching the kid he can't. So when he can he watches mine while I do any doctor appointments.
    "His name is Rainbow. He is 12 years old and just got out of a really bad home." I told him. I know the possibilities of what this kid may have gone through, but I am not allowed to talk about it. If that kid really went through that I... I can only do my best to help him.
    "It won't be anything you haven't faced though." He punches my shoulder.
    "Definity. I already got the room set up again, new clothes that fit his size and colors he likes. Which is all of them surprisingly." I never met a kid who didn't have a favorite color before.
    "That's good. I will definitely try to meet them soon." He gets up and sets up a multiplayer game.
    "Maybe he will be a gamer like you!" I get up using the cane as a support to put little pressure on my leg. The brace feels weird and awkward. At least I can shower in it instead of having to wrap my leg in paper bags.
    "Now that would be fun." He sat on the couch and I sat down next to him. He gave me the second player control and we waited for the game to load. It never takes too long. "Have you seen the news lately? About the Flash's disappearance." He suddenly asks. I know a lot about the news. I never really watch news about myself though. It makes me feel bad for being out of commission for as long as I have been.
    "No. What's going on?" I asked. We select our players in the game. I don't know much about this game so I go based off of strength and speed for my character. I think Slade knows what he is doing though unlike me.
    "They are doing fundraisers for him to come back. Since crime has gotten really bad as of late. All the thieves and law breakers are putting up graffiti about the death of Flash saying he was killed. It's making my and my friends' jobs really rough." He said in frustration and we started the game.
    "Do you think he's dead?" I decided to ask him as we started collecting supplies before we fought each other.
    "If he was, we would have found a body a while ago. I think he just quit. Didn't want to fight anymore. It happens to heroes in movies, why not in real life." He says. I got some fairly good supplies for the fight already. Looks like Slade did as well.
    "Maybe he got hurt. Like me." I joked to him. He laughs a bit.
    "That would be terrible if the hero known for running suddenly couldn't run anymore." We get to the arena to fight out characters in.
    "It would be. I think he will come back. I just don't know when." I was already losing. I wasn't surprised though. I didn't stop fighting him though. I wanted to try to win. I won't give up even if it's pointless to fight.
    "I do hope he comes back. It will make my job a little bit easier. I'm just thankful that no other villains have shown up. The last villain we caught before The Flash disappeared was Captain Cold." I took my final hit in the game and lost. I sighed, but Slade cheered in his own victory. I clapped for him as if he was a hero. I laughed while I clapped for him.
    "Can we play a different game now? A sandbox game?" I asked not really in the mood to be beaten over and over again right now. Especially with how my leg is feeling right now.
    "Sure. Let's play a different game, but I am still better than you with gaming." He teased while he changed the game. Once the game was set up we played for the next hour until it was time for me to leave to pick up Rainbow. I was happy that I spent some time with Slade today. I wish we could do this more often. It's hard with both of our constantly changing schedules. I have always thought about telling him that I am the Flash, but he is not the best with secrets.
    "That was fun, I hope we can do it again." I told Slade while I made sure I had everything I brought with me. He was making himself coffee. I guess he has another night shift. He has been doing a lot of night shifts since I was attacked by Captain Cold. It's a small way he says he cares for me. Also a way of telling the world how much he hates mornings.
    "I'll call you on my break. If you're awake that is."
    "It depends on what I will need to do on my first night with Rainbow." I say before waving goodbye. He waves back and I leave for foster care.

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