Side Thoughts

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I woke up cause my stomach was growling. I slowly opened my eyes and found myself on the couch. I was laying on Sabre who was still asleep. How long was I out for?... I don't even care... Sabre is home... and I won't be taken into the foster care again. I'm here... home with the only person who has ever cared about me for me.

I slowly sat up to not wake him up and looked at him closely. I saw some scratches on his face. I guess he really got trampled... I got off the couch and looked at a clock hanging on the wall and found it was 12:13pm. I heard shuffling in the kitchen and saw Slade who was on his phone. I was surprised he was here. I hid a bit in the blaket that was over me. I don't remember it being there from last night. I watched as Slade glances over at me and sighs.

"They really have been asleep for a while..." He walks over to us and I watch him as he puts his hand on Sabre's forehead. "You're burning up... This is what you get after being in the rain for so long man." He glances at me and I close my eyes shut. He laughed a bit.

"I know you're awake, Rain. I got all of us some fast food to eat." He says as he takes out a few bags of McDonalds. I sat up a bit. I carefully slide myself off the couch under the blanket to make sure da- Sabre didn't wake up. I got onto the table and looked at Slade. He has some bags under his eyes.

"Were you at the area for a long time? Where the bridge collapsed?" I asked him. He nods.

"Yeah I got home around three am, Good thing coffee is keeping me awake." He eats a burger while I munch on some nuggets and friest he gave me with ketchup.

"Were you the one to see the flash?" I asked him curiously. He flinched from my question.

"Of course not kid, I was up on the roads. I got cut off by the crowds when Ash was above water. I also have no idea who saw them, don't care to learn who really, I don't want to be apart of that mess." He keeps eating his food and seemed to be watching Sabre closely. He did say Sabre was running a fever... Slade gets up and checks on Sabre again making sure the blanket was more around him.

"Is dad going to be okay-" I cut myself off realixng what I said... ever sine yesterday I have been calling him dad... He's been the foster dad... or any dad I ever had. I feel bad calling him that thought since he is just a foster parent. He probably doesn't want me calling him that.

"You see him as a dad now? Thats cool, he must love hearing you call him that." Slade smiles to me.

"He doesn't know..." I said truthfully.

"You should call him that, he would be so happy you know. Being called a dad will be the closet thing he will ever have to parents- shi- shoot I shouldn't of said that." Salde mumbles. I looked at him confused.

"He doesn't have parents?" Slade sighs as if taking a second to go through his thoughts. He then gestures to the walls of the apartment. There were pictures of him with his friends and some pictures of college. I regonize them all by now.

"Did you notice how there are no family pictures on the walls?" Slade asked me. I nod. "Well his parents died a few months after he was born in a car crash... He was so young they couldn't find any relaivtes who could take him in expect for his dad grandparents. Also his eyes were baldy damaged and ontop of his eye sensitivity he was going to be an expensive child..." He sat down next to Sabre and rubbed the top of his head. I finished eating my food already and sat next to Slade interested in what more he had to say.

"They only people who could take him in was his grandparents, but they were poor and had little money to do anything for him, they did one surgery that would keep his eyes lasting long enough so he woildn't go blind for a few years. When they finally had the money well... The grandma got cancer... the grandpa didn't... Sorry kid this is a sad story..." He apolgized.

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