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Before reuniting with Rainbow

I ran out of the building after doing a last check for anyone who might of been left in the burning building. I ran into an alleyway before stopping and collapsing where I stood. I leaned again the wall as a throbbing pain ran across my body where she hit me with her heavy hammer... the police will arrest her soon... now I need to worry about who else got out of prison.... A heavy sigh of exhaustion hit me... Rainbow... if I was even a moment late... he...

I shook my head trying to think about it. I need get out of this suit and find him before he panics. I don't think I broke any of my bones but it might as well hurt as much as one did. I was going to bruise up bad... I closed my eyes allowing myself to rest for a few seconds. Enough so I can get myself to stand again....

"Flash?" A voice suddenly rang in my ears. I turned my head and saw a familiar police officer alone with me in the alway. Slade. I press the button on my neck to change my voice.

"Hello officer! Did the arrest go well?" I asked and struggled back into my feet. Strangely Slade went up to me and helped me into my feet.

"It went well... Are you alright? It looked like she got you." He asks concern. He was talking to me as if I was friend- well we are friends just not when I wear this suit. I am a stranger to him.

"She did, but I am more relieved I got everyone out of the building. No one is seriously injured?" I asked him.

"No... but Rainbow needs you right now." I froze... He... no. He can't... there is no way... he...

"I'm not sure what you are talking about sir." I told him nervously.

"Sabre... I know it's you." He looks at me. I... I couldn't bring myself to say anything else. I just looked at him.

"I... I was the officer that saved you on the bridge... I... I didn't know how to say this to you... but I guess there is never a good time for me to say. I know my best friend is a super hero but he doesn't know that I know that and I have so many questions-" I cut him off with a silent...

"Thank you... for saving me... I... I'm glad it was you who saw me." I took off my mask and looked at him. He looked at me nervously.

"I.... I have a lot of questions." He laughed a bit. I punched his shoulder.

"I can answer them in a bit." I took off my suit fully and stuffed it into my bag. I looked over myself to see bruised forming on my right side. Where I got hit by that hammer. Slade gives me a concered look.

"That doesn't look fun. Do you need any help?" He asks me.

"Not right now I-" I heard a voice call out from the streets.

"Sabre! Sabre!" I heard Rainbow call out to me weakly. Panic rose in my chest. I knew he was bleeding....

"I need to get to him. Make sure he is okay." I tell Slade as I slowly limp to the end of the alleyway. He stops me.

"Sabre... can we talk about all of this?" He asks me as he grabbed my wrist. It then started to rain.

"Dad!... Dad!... where are you?! Dad!" Rainbow called out and my heart sank... That's my foster son... and he needs me. He really needs me.

"Yes just... meet me at professors' lab. I can get Rainbow and myself fixed up." I pulled my arm up so he could let go of my hand.

"I'll be back in less than an hour." He says before going out of the alleyway. I follow after him, but l only got a moment. I scanned the area looking for my foster son. I soon saw him kneeling on the ground crying. I reached my hand to him.

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