Slowing Down

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    I heard soft knocking waking me up. I opened my eyes not bothering to sit up to see Sabre outside of my room with a hand on the door. He was looking at me and smiling. Not a normal smile though. He seemed genuine and happy. It looked strange, I gripped my blanket and looked up at him confused why he didn't come into the room like most people do. He was giving me space. I looked down at his leg to see he was keeping it up in the air. His leg must still hurt from yesterday.
    "Did you sleep well? I know how rough the first night can be in a new place." Sabre says to me as he continues to look at me.
    "I slept just fine.. Only woke up once..." I told him. He didn't come into the room, but seemed to be waiting for me.
    "That's good. Usually I'm up all night when sleeping in a new room. Do you want anything special for breakfast?" He asked. I let go of the blankets feeling less anxious.
    "It's whatever you can make..." I muttered not sure what type of breakfast he would allow us to eat.
    "Okay pancakes it is. It's been a while since I've made them. Are you okay with that?" He asked me once again.
    "Yeah, sounds nice..." He closes the door and walks away. I looked around the room. The wall was a light turquoise that almost looked white. Black curtains covered the window that only looks towards the city. I made the bed before looking into the closet where on a higher shelf wsa buckets filled with toys all marked with different ages. 0-3, 4-6, On the floor was a box filled with toys marked with 7-12. A mix of girl, boy and some gender neutral toys were in the box. Most of them were off brand and looked well used. On the side of the closet wall looks to a crib that has never been unfolded. Was he going to take care of babies? Or has he already. I looked through the drawers to see most of them were empty except for a few that had clothes that were a little bit too big for me. A small stand on the floor for shoes that was empty and on the other side of the closet some spare pillows and blankets.
    He was preparing for me and by the looks of it kids of any other age. Gender included. I didn't have a bag with me since my first foster parents refused me to take anything and I haven't been given anything rather than the clothes on my back and the shoes on my feet. I went to a few homes after them while living in foster care in Core City. Some people took me in, but I was sent back in a matter of days and soon no one was willing to take me in until Sabre did.
    The people who took care of me were nice, but they were moving too fast. They would move too fast, forcing me into terrible schools where kids only laughed and teachers watched me suffer. All the other kids in the family I would be with made fun of my name and my hair. And... Sometimes we would have incidents. Incidents I relive in my head, but could never understand. It would scare them... and they would leave me.
    I tried on some of the clothes, They were clean and smelled nice and were mostly neutral colors. All the colors were faded and dull, not much of what I would like to wear, but I wouldn't let that bother me too much. I put on a dark blue faded hoodie and some grey sweatpants that I had to use some strings to make it fit a bit better around my waist. Not too bad. All of it was a bit big on me. The sleeves going past my hands and the sweats covering a bit of my ankles. I sighed wondering if he had any other clothes hidden in this house and left the bedroom to find him.
    I walked through the small hallway to the living room to see Sabre was making pancakes like he suggested to me. His back was turned towards my direction and he couldn't see him. He had a green long sleeved shirt on and some black jeans. I could see the brace on his leg and he didn't seem as old as I first thought he was. The most peculiar thing is the blindfold tied neatly around the back of his head covering his eyes perfectly. Like he had something to hide from the entire world.
    I sat on the table and waited quietly. I didn't say a word to him and took a look around the room. Now that it wasn't dark I could see some of the photos and objects on the walls and more details in the furniture. Almost all the furniture looked well used. On the walls were mostly photos and near the T.V in the room some posters of popular games. The photos were mostly of friends or city pictures. I didn't see any photos of kids, or even him being a kid with his parents. Usually there's one in a household. Black curtains were all around the windows and looked like black out curtains, but there weren't any blinds. Curious... I saw a yellow notepad on the table. I reached for it and grasped it and looked at the notes on the table. I read through them carefully through Sabre's handwriting.

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