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    My leg was throbbing all night and I barely got any sleep. I pushed myself too far yesterday. I sat up from my bed and grabbed my phone. I looked at some notifications as well as the time 6:32 am. I guess it's okay for me to wake up around this time. As long as I don't wake Rainbow up. He had a lot of fun yesterday and I couldn't help but smile remembering how much childlike energy I got to see in him yesterday. At least he had a good day. I got up from my bed feeling a lot of pain in my leg. Today I might have to hold off of my plans. That's alright though, it gives Rainbow some time to adjust.
    I changed into some clothes for today and adjusted my brace slightly. I left my room and went into the main lying room area and looked through the news on my phone. It's a bit early for me to make breakfast.
    There was mostly politics on the news, not much for criminals or crime as of recent that they have announced for Core City news. I went to other news sites and found nothing. It's been weirdly quiet for the past two weeks. Usually there's a lot of crime going on since I had to stop being the Flash. I wish I could fight, but I can't at least not until my leg has fully healed.
    After finding nothing of crime I went to make breakfast. I kept it more simple for this morning knowing I can't be on my leg for as long as I would want to. I made some bacon and eggs. Nothing special. I listen to the silence of the apartment. Rainbow is still asleep. I wonder what he would want to do today. I have a few games we could play and if he is up to it I could start his homeschool lessons. That's up to him though not me.
    I put the eggs and bacon on a plate with a cover to keep them warm. I can eat when he gets up. Until he wakes up I should do some research. Some research on him. I didn't get much of a notice to become his foster parent beforehand. I don't know how such a sweet kid would move from so many foster homes and so quickly.
    I went into the room quietly. The room I don't allow anyone to go into. It's my workspace and currently that room had my laptop I needed. I walked inside, closing the door behind me quietly. It creaks every time I open and close it. Stepping into the room the first thing I saw was my suit that I kept clean and wrinkle free. I have to make sure it doesn't tear and whenever it does I need to take it to the lab to get fixed by the only person who knows of my identity. The professor who made the suit which I stole from him. It keeps me from burning into a crisp when I run.
    I had other equipment and some exercise machines for myself that I haven't used since my leg broke. I still do some upper body strength but not as often as I would like to use it. It doesn't mean I'm not weak though. I'm just not as strong as I was before. I opened my laptop and logged in. I looked at what I needed to see. My Flash bank account. Yes I have a place that has funds for me. Just  people who send me money who want to support me. Of course it's not as much as it used to be when I worked, but I still get donations. As of late only one donation has been consistent; 3 dollars from an anonymous fan. It is not a lot, but it's nice to see them donate that money every two weeks.
    Of course I managed to get into officer coms and read i've messages of crimes and communications. Sometimes I even read Slade's coms messages. I sometimes laugh when I see his messages just because he is my best friend and it's weird that I spy on his job so I can know about the most current crime. I opened a new tab and went to my foster care's district informational website. I logged in and looked into information about Rainbow.

Name: Rainbow Steve
Age: 12
Possible Birthday: August 13 (Day he was founded)
Foster families: 5
Last names of family listed here. Millers, Winter, Dristinger, Della, (Current) Nolan.
    Rainbow Steve was originally found on the side of the road wrapped in a small Rainbow blanket with the note being in an unidentified language with the only words in a real language reading his name Rainbow Steve. (Picture of note listed below) He went to his first foster foster parents with the Millers when he was of the age of five. Until the age of twelve he was with this family where-

     "Sabre! Where are you?!" I suddenly heard Rainbow say making me close the laptop quickly as if someone was behind my shoulder. I called out to him.
    "I'm in the storage room! I have breakfast on the table. I'll meet you there in a second, okay?" I left my laptop in the room and slowly made my way out of my "storage" room. I locked the door before leaving the room and went to the table where Rainbow was sitting and waiting for me.
    "Why were you in the storage room?"
    "I was looking for something and couldn't find it." I lifted the cover over the food and served him the bacon and eggs.
    "What was it?"
    "Just an old sweater I used to wear a lot when in highschool." I served myself my own food and ate. Rainbow looks around the room. He looks out the window where the clouds were grey and threatening to ruin the day with some rain. I wouldn't mind if it rained. Not like I plan on going out today.
    "Oh, maybe I can help you find it?"
    "No it's alright. Did you sleep well last  night?"
    "Yeah it was nice and quiet last night. The hoodie is nice to sleep in." He wore the flash hoodie I got him and a pair of jeans.
    "That's good to hear." I finished eating and I got up to clear my plate. I had a heavy limp on my leg now and Rainbow noticed it.
    "Does it hurt today? Your leg?" He asked me with a bit of concern.
    "Yeah, nothing unbearable though." I cleaned up in the kitchen and Rainbow helped me out.
    "What exactly happened to your leg?"
    "I broke my tibia and fibula. They are almost fully healed though and I can start physical therapy soon. I think my first session is tomorrow you'll get to see me have my leg worked on."
    "How did you break your leg?" I hesitated for a second.
    "This is going to sound stupid, but I fell down he stairs here at my aparment." I have to lie to everyone about what happened that night. To adults I tell them I was jumped by unknown gang members and do tell them I was shot. My injury fully healed two months ago. For kids I tell them I fell down the stairs. I never tell them I was shot even before when my injury has yet to heal.
    "Maybe you should sit down and rest? You walked a lot yesterday and it might be why it hurts so much today." He said able to read the entire situation correctly. That's why my leg hurts so much, but the expression I could see on his small face of worry and fear... I don't want him to think this is his fault.
    "I just have bed leg days sometimes, kid. It's no big deal. I went into the living room and set up a game for us to play. My favorite sandbox game. He sits on the couch next to me.
    "I don't know how to play video games."
    "Don't worry I can teach you. I'll show you how to move and break and place items."I say then give him a few instructions on how to play and he learns them quickly and with ease. He must be a fast learner. We played together in this sandbox world and I got to see the childlike side of him again. When he feels safe he is happy and energetic but when he feels unsafe he is more shy and defensive. A start to what will most likely be his chaotic personality. It will take me much longer to understand it.
He definitely likes building things in games and collecting resources. He is also a flower picker and is trying to collect all the flowers in the game. I'm trying to keep him alive with my fighting skills. All together we were having a lot of fun.
    "So um... can we do something else?"
    "Of course, we have been playing for a while. I can get us some snacks too."    
    "I want to watch the news."
    "Really? Most kids I have met find that boring."
    "I want to see if the Flash is back yet."
    "Alrighty then give me a second. If I see anything too violent I'm turning it off okay?"
    "Understood." I turn off the game and get the news on a channel I know where they talk about the flash- me a lot. Rainbow grabs one of the pillows on the couch and seems to hug it as they talk about where I might be as well as possible people who could be me.
    I grabbed some snacks and heard a knock at the door. I went to the door and opened it to be greeted by Slade. I didn't expect him to be here today.
    "Hey Sabre! How are you doing?" He says. I let him inside.
    "I'm alright. Just getting to know the new kid. He's sweet."
    "Good to hear, would it be okay if I met them? If not I can just leave."
    "Let me ask him first." I go over to Rainbow.       
    "Rainbow, I have a friend here. Would you like to meet him?" Rainbow looks at me and thinks about it for a second.
    "Are they nice?"
    "Yeah... kind of chaotic too. They are my best friends."
    "I heard that Sabre!" I heard Slade yell back at me.
    "You can not tell me you aren't chaotic! Remember freshman year in college!" There was a long pause before he responded.
    "Yeah you're right." Rainbow laughs at our little argument and gives me his answer.
    "Sure he can come in." Slade walks into the living room and he waves hello to Rainbow. He looks up at Slade.
    "Maybe Sabre is shorter than I thought."
    "Hey that's not nice- Slade!" Slade was now leaning on me like I was a little chair he could lean on.
    "Thank you for noticing. Most kids are scared about how tuff and buff I am." I rolled my eyes and stepped back from him. He fell to the floor with a loud thump.
    "I am not a chair and you know that!" I snapped a bit in a joking way.
    "Not a nice chair you mean." He gets up from the ground rubbing his head.
    "Hey, be nice to him! His leg really hurts today." Rainbow took my side and I smiled softly. A bit of trust already.
    "It does? Sorry Sabre."
    "It's fine. Just still adjusting to the leg brace."
    "If you say so- huh they finally announced the new possible villain." He says looking at the news. All our attention went to it as the news reporter stated what I feared. Something I have feared since my leg broke.
    "If there's a time for The Flash to return, the time is now. A new villain has been reported by a few bystanders and the police. Not much is known about this villain rather than his name and appearance. His name is Nightmare. He wears a suit that is yellow and black. His mask eyes seem to be completely black. His powers and intentions are currently unknown. If seen please call 911 and get emergency services. So far the only crime he has committed is a few minor robberies. Still the few recorded incidents even with him is the ability to manipulate electricity. Watch out, stay safe, and please Flash if you hear this message come back and save us from this possible villain before he destroys all of Core City." An image appeared of the villain. Most of them are slightly blurred. It was clearly a tall man wearing a black and yellow suit. The black seemed to be splattered around him like ink. His eyes had a look of death from the only shot we got from him looking at the camera.
    "Next up we have some old fights of The Flash, the most viral video online of Flash versus Reverse." I felt so guilty. People are now going to have to worry about a new villain and I'm stuck here watching all of this happen. I looked down at my broken leg trying to shake the feeling of worthlessness and weakness. I felt a hand go on my shoulder. Slade looked concerned.
    "You okay? You look a bit pale."
    "I'm alright just worried about Rainbow... how am I going to protect him if this Nightmare guy ends up attacking this area." That was another thing I worried about. Now that I am a foster parent I have to worry more than just myself or how I can help the city, but for now Rainbow. I have to keep him safe. More than anyone else.
    "Give me a call then. If he attacks you here I will come running." He then whispered. "Even faster than I did when I found you that night." I smiled and hugged him tightly. He hugs me back comforting me a bit.
    "Thank you so much... this means a lot to me."
    "Of course, but are you sure you're a foster dad?"
    "Yes I am sure-"
    "Because you are acting a lot like a foster mom." He teased me. He likes to tease me a lot and I don't mind. I always get him back.
    "Well good for you, I might be the closest thing to a girlfriend you will ever get."
    "That's just mean and right now I might actually have a chance!"
    "Really? Or is it just a girl you like again."
    "Yes- but this time I know for sure! I think she might like me too."
    "Oh? Who is she?"
    "Mabel. A redhead girl who works at a coffee shop I go to every morning. She's very cute and energetic. She always stutters when she is around me though."
    "You might actually have a chance! Try to get her number before asking her out."
    "I might just end up getting the number to a pizza place again."
    "No, I don't think so. Try to reel in some fish slowly and don't choose the ones you know who aren't going to bite."
    "Great advice, but from the look of it it's getting you nowhere."
    "I'm just not interested in the moment. I am happy where I am at right now."
   "You two are weird." Rainbow cuts in.
   "Well adults are weird and kids are cool."
   "What about teenagers? I'm going to be one soon."
   "They are both cool and weird." Slade laughs at me and I smile. I go to the kitchen and reach for the tallest shelf to grab some pain killers. I keep the time in mind and take my prescribed dose. Slade seemed to be happily talking to Rainbow who mostly ignored him. He may think he is funny, but he doesn't trust people. I should finish reading Rainbow's file. I snuck into my back room again. I logged onto my laptop and continued to read the file

He was found unciouses in an old wet shed beaten and sick. We had to take him to urgent care immediately. Where he stayed in a hospital for a week and was moved to the next few houses. At most the houses he was able to stay out could only be taken in for a week and he lived at the foster care for about five months while being transferred from home to home. His current family is with a single man named Sabre Elan Nolan.
He has been reported with running away, panic attacks, and strange manifestation of powers (Most likely false statements form past three homes).
The Millers have been removed from the foster care program and have been fined with neglect and abuse. No prison charges.

    My hands were shaking

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    My hands were shaking. I had no idea. I was told about the possibility of abuse but that was it. Not all of this... And how are the Millers not put into jail! That's what they deserve after what they did to Rainbow! If I ever see them again I will- and this note- what does it say-
    "Sabre!" I looked towards the door and got up. I get out of the room to see Slade.
    "Hey sorry man. I just needed to check up on something."
    "That's okay, I just have to go now. It was nice seeing you again."
    "I'll come by next week if you don't mind."
   "Sounds good. See you next week then." I gave him another hug before he left. I looked at Rainbow too see he was looking at the T.V another fight and this time it was a fight the city will never get to see the real end of. Me and Captain Cold. This was my last public fight that was recorded before my leg broke. The adrenaline pounded in me remembering the fight. The video ended and I turned off the T.v.
    "Awww the next fight was going to be my favorite."
    "I know, but we can watch it later little flash fanboy."
    "I am not a fanboy!"
    "Oh you so are!"
    "No I'm not!"
   "Okay if you say so. Anyways. It's time for our first homeschool lesson. Are you ready to learn?" He looked nervous.
    "I think so.. But what if I never catch up?"
    "Never say never. And the only way to know is to find out." I grabbed some science books and offered him a seat on the table. Rainbow sits in the chair across from me as we started our first lesson of me preparing him for school.
(Words 3113) Sorry I know this isn't the most interesting chapter but it is very important for the story. I hope you guys like it as much as I do writing it!

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