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I was watched like a hawk for the next few days. Professor couldn't come over but would call me every morning and night to make sure I was alright. My hands have been killing me since the indigent and I have been exclusively on painkillers for it. My wounds are healing though. I'll be alright. I have been alright. I've been wearing gloves to hide the wounds from Rainbow. He hasn't seemed to notice.

I was once again spending the afternoon on my computer. Looking over the last name Steve in any systems I have access to. I'll have to head over to the school soon, but thankfully I can drive us over and back now. He isn't scared of cars like he was when we first met.

The database once again appeared empty. I groaned a bit in frustration. Maybe this last name he has isn't a last name... It might have been a middle name... but addressing a letter to someone with their middle name... just isn't right. I recall what Rainbow told me a few nights before in the car ride home.

Rainbow, Nightmare, cloth eyes. The three of us. The innocent, villain, and hero. It does sound like a prophecy... but what kind of note is like that? This just doesn't make sense... I clicked a new tab on my computer and started looking up new titles for Nightmare Steve, I can't find any because of his name not being publicly mentioned. So I looked for a new villain in Core City. There wasn't anything recent. I sighed. None of this is going anywhere at all. At least I got to rest.

All know is that he is now working with Captain Cold, and is good at sword fighting... doesn't use a gun though. He also can manipulate electricity. I might ask Professor Watts if I could add some rubber to the suit to resist it. I could look up some self-defense videos online about sword fighting. I made two tabs to remind myself to do that later.

I glanced at the clock again and saw that it was time for me to go. I closed my computer got out of my secret storage and headed to the door. I made sure that all the lights were off and the doors locked. I have been extra cautious... if he does want Rainbow. I need to give him no chances to take him from me.

I got out of my apartment and got to my car, with a simple turn of the keys it came back to life. I moved my car out of the parking lot and into the roads. I played some music while I drove over to his school. It's not a far walk, however, Watts would kill me if he knew I walked that far in my condition. Even with all these things on my mind... all the background noise around me. I couldn't forget him. Rainbow.

His safety is really at stake here. I don't even want to think of what the Nightmare King would do to him if he got him. I need to keep Rainbow unaware of what's going on... It would lead him to know that I'm the Flash... and scare him. I want him to feel happy and safe here... He can't if he is being hunted down by a villain like this.

I heard my phone buzz, but since I was driving I ignored it. I can check to see it when I get to the school. I soon saw it in the distance and parked my car in the pickup area. Same place as always. Once in park o picked up my phone to look at it. A message from... the foster care.

We are sorry to report but the family has chosen not to take Rainbow into their care. You will continue fostering him until further notice.

They... what?! They didn't want him? After all of that? I threw my phone onto the passenger seat in a small fit. They were so interested too. Then again, I don't think Rainbow wanted to be with them anyway. The least they could have done was tell me themselves. I didn't even realize the car door opened. Rainbow looks at me a bit confused and nervous.

"What's... what's wrong?" He mutters. I sighed and shook my head.

"Just got a message that the family doesn't want to adopt you. A little frustrated they didn't tell me themselves. Don't worth about it." I took a breath to calm down. I picked my phone back up and offered Rainbow to sit. He looks at me a bit skeptical but calms down and sits down.

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