My Hero

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(Warning this covers dark topics of abuse on children)
I rubbed my as if the bruise would come out. Sadly this world isn't magic. I kept rubbing my bruise harder, striking much pain in my arm. I looked back at the door in my poor little shed outside. I need to wait for the lights to go out before I can leave my room... well my shed. I pulled up the hood of my rainbow hoodie and it was torn and dirty from no care of cleaning. My legs shook from the cold, my pants ripped and torn.

I clamped my hands together trying to work my fingers. The rain tapping lightly on the shed brings a small sense of calmness to my life. For this single moment. I closed my eyes trying to remember the good times, but couldn't think of any at the moment.

The shed suddenly got a lot darker. I looked back down at the door to see the lights in the house had turned off. My heart skipped a beat with excitement. I didn't move my muscles and started to count in my head to 120. Two minutes.

As I counted the seconds my heart beats faster with joy. If I can make it to two minutes. I could see him. My hero.

I counted to 120 without the lights turning on. I smile and get up from the cold ground. My legs stumbled slightly. They must've fallen asleep when I sat there. I opened the door slowly peeking outside the house to see all the lights were off and all the curtains shut. They were asleep. I made my way through the yard to get inside of my foster parents house.

I slide the back door open and close it, being careful to not make a sound. I tiptoed my way across the wooden floor keeping my eyes on the stairs that lead to the bedrooms upstairs. If they heard me. I can only expect the worst.

Past the kitchen and into the office to find the computer. I kept the door closed, keeping an eye on the light under the cracks. If I see a light I have to hide. Hide and hope for the best.
I tap in the password and login to the computer. I went to the news and typed in my Hero's name. I found the video with the most views and clicked on it. The video plays and I put my headphones on getting lost already from the sound of smokes and flames. My eyes turn to the screen.

A villain of fire was traumatizing Core City. A city about ten miles away from here. The news was recording this area, but instead of focusing on the report I memorized by heart. I then saw a blur on the screen. The Flash! He zoomed around and the villain fought against himself. I could help but pull a punch or two to the air every time The Flash landed a hit. Near the end of the video his time is striked down by the villain. My heart pounded faster. My favorite part.

"I guess this was short lived lighting!" The villain said to The Flash.

"I am not lighting. The name's Flash!" He says and he ran around the villain in a blur trying him up in wires. Wires he couldn't burn through.

"Yes!" I whispered, getting up from the seat. As always he saves the day. The video continues but I didn't notice. I couldn't help but wish I was there that day. I couldn't help but wish that I could see my Hero in action. That he would run here and save-

Something tugs off my headphones and I froze. My body turned cold as the video ended and was about to auto play to the next video. I looked up to see my foster Father.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to stay up late?" He said with a cold grin on his face. I knew what was coming next, but I couldn't do anything about it. I stayed quiet. He puts a hand on my shoulder making me flinch.

"Come on. We are going to have some fun tonight." He says as he drags me away. Up the stairs to my worst fear. I closed my eyes and accepted this fate. I was taken away to the dark of night.

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