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Days passed after my reveal, I'm on tv all the time now. It's all everyone is talking about, the flash is back. The superhero. Rainbow has his eyes glued to the screen at this point but he has been getting his homework done and still doing well in school. I won't change what he does in his free time, it's his choice.

My leg only was sore for the rest of the first day after I ran. I keep up with my physical therapy and did talk to Dr. Mint about the whole running thing leaving out the flags part, he explain that it's common to people who have suffered from extensive therapy and recovery, the most important thing is to stretch and strengthen the broken limb, but it takes time. A lot of time. Time I don't have.

"Thanks for making dinner Sabre!" I heard Rainbow say as he ate his food. I made macaroni and cheese for dinner. Simple but filling. I already ate beforehand. "Would it be okay if you helped me with some homework... math is still hard for me to do." He asked me. I smiled. He was asking me for help. Not me asking if he needed help.

"Of course, when do you want to work on that?" I asked him, trying not to show my excitement.

"Maybe before bed, so I can try it on my own first."

"Of course. and if you don't need my help that's all good too." I reminded him. He smiled and went to his room after cleaning his plate. I got up and started to do the dishes when my phone rang. I answered it.

"Hey this is Sabre-"

"HE'S HERE." I heard Professor say. I pulled my phone away from my ear.

"Who's here?"

"The villain! He's at the end of the city! At Telena bridge!" He says. I know where that is, it's the largest bridge in Core city. We are next Tuesday the sea and there is a large canal that goes through the town that connects to the sea. That one is right next to Core beach. It's a longish drive. But I'm not driving.

"I'll be wait- Rainbow... Shoot. professor are you-"

"Already have it covered. I am coming to your place right now. I can keep an eye on your kid for you." He says. It does sound like he was on the road.

"Thanks. I'll tell Rainbow. I'll leave the door unlocked for you and I'll be at the bridge in a bit." I hung up on him and made my way to Rainbow's room. I knocked on the door.

"You can come in!" He tells me through his door. I opened it but didn't enter the room.

"Rainbow, I'm sorry something came up at the foster care-"

"Your taking in another kid?!" He said and looked at me.

"No, one of the kids got out and was seen around Telena Bridge: I am going to go over and help look." He looks at me.

"So you won't be able to help with homework."

"I have no idea how long it's going to take...if I can I will, but my work friend... you remember the professor right? He is going to keep an eye on you and can definitely help with your homework."

"Is he mean?"

"No- just a little... Crazy at times, but I think you'll like him." Rainbow looks at me.

"I trust you. If anything I can run away right?" He asked me.

"Run as fast as the Flash." I smiled at him. He grinned and I closed the door. I opened and closed the door to my storage room. I put on my suit once again. I knew I wouldn't be able to talk to the professor because he can only answer me with his equipment on him. if he even brought it and the Rainbow heard.... He would be confused.

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