Christmas Special

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This one-shot takes place after the book's main story. I will do my best not to spoil certain things in this one-shot and I do hope you all enjoy this.

I know there are those of you out there who don't celebrate Christmas or the holidays. If you are one of those people I hope you are happy during this time of year nonetheless and spend time with your family or friends. Whoever you feel safer with.

Those of you who do I hope you have a nice holiday! I hope you get good and reliable gifts this year! Have fun spending time with your family.

And for those of you who have a hard relationship with your family. I understand. It's hard to have fun this time of year with family who may not love you, appreciate you for who you are, or may try to make your life worse. For those who may have a situation like this, I hope you can spend time with those who truly love you and don't feel forced to spend time with people you rather not spend time with.

Family in my belief should be chosen, not decided based on the parents who gave birth to you. It's based on the people who take you in and love you. Either extended family, cousin, friends, family members friends. Or... like here. Adoption, fostering. I hope you can spend time with your true family. The ones who love you, even if you don't think there is something who loves you like this... I'm sure they are out there and are waiting to meet you.

So, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas and a good New Year to everyone who is reading this and those who aren't. Remember.

Family is who you choose.

Christmas morning... I woke up in my bed already knowing what today was. I've... never really liked Christmas though. I slept through the night peacefully. I know Santa doesn't... Well...

I sighed and sat up in my bed. My room with Sabre-Dad is more decorated than any room I ever had before. Posters hang on the walls of things I started liking like games and cartoons. My collection of clothes is bigger in my closet. Not just because of how thick and heavy most of the clothes are now for the winter. I glanced out my window to see that just like yesterday snow covered the entire city. Even though it was Christmas the streets weren't busy. There aren't too many cars on the road or anyone on the streets. They are all enjoying presents under the tree.

I've never got to experience that before. I never got presents from anyone... not Santa. Not the foster parents who took care of me... and now I'm not sure if Dad will either...

We had a lot of fun last night, we played some games together. Made sweet and warm cookies. Watched a Christmas movie together in our new pajamas he got for us to keep us warm in the winter. That was the most fun I had during Christmas Eve... ever. But he never mentioned what would be happening the next morning. He was just making sure we were having fun last night.

I decided to get out of bed and slip into some warm rainbow slippers. I stretched a bit raising my hands above my head before I fell back to my side. I wonder what we will be eating for breakfast though... I opened the door and immediately smelled something cinnamon and sweet... Cinnamon Rolls? I smiled a bit. We don't eat those very often.

I went through the small hallway of the familiar apartment with the only light being from the Christmas tree we decorated together. Once through the short hallway, I saw it. The Christmas tree. Me and Dad decorated it together. He got a tree that would be tall enough to fill the room, but not too tall we couldn't put a star on top. We spent most of the day decorating the tree that day.

We both agreed to make it Rainhow-themed red at the bottom and Violet at the top. He even figured out how to make the lights gradient up that way. It was a chaotic rainbow tree that lit up the entire room. We would even see it outside on the streets. I glanced at the tree still proud of what I and Dad did together, but once glancing down I realized something...

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