An Unlikely Rainy Day

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It was pouring now. I knew it was going to rain today, but not this heavily. I looked past the glass sliding doors that kept the storm from getting inside. The small balcony was drenched and puddles filled the stone ground. Lights shine in waves of reflection from cars that never seem to stop driving past the street across from here. The sky was a light grey from the rain clouds and morning sun that couldn't break through the clouds.

My muscles ache from the lingering recovery of the fight before. Alongside my slightly intense physical therapy and lack of sleep. The smell of freshly baked cookies still lingered in the air. I closed the curtains and looked back at Rainbow. He was asleep on the couch. The loud sound of TV didn't stir his sleep. I wonder if it even helped him sleep. I went to his bedroom and grabbed him a blanket to put it over him.

I can't wait for this... to be every day.

His birthday is coming up, and that's when I am going to tell him that I am adopting him. The paperwork should be done a few days before. Rainbow... Will get to my last name. Nolan. I hope when the day comes... He will like it.

I made my way to the kitchen my feet making small taps on the ground with each step I took. We had quite a few cookies left over so I stored them up high above the fridge. I wrapped them to make sure they stayed as fresh as possible. Everything was already cleaned up. I just need to change to make sure I can hide the bandages. I should have hidden them the moment I woke up. I went to my room and got ready for the day. Putting in a warm green sweater and brown jeans. I combed out my hair enough to get the small tangles out. In the dark, I lifted my blindfold slightly to see dark bags showing underneath my eyes. I haven't been able to sleep well in a while. Not with everything that has been going on.

Once I catch this Nightmare King I can focus on living a happy life with Rainbow... My future son.

I couldn't help but smile at the thought.

I left the room after a few minutes and went back to the kitchen. It was a bit closer to eight am now. I decided to cook some eggs for breakfast with some pancakes. Something sweet for Rainbow to wake up. It didn't take me long to make the batter, but there was always a second step. I make my syrup. I just get some brown sugar, and butter and melt it together with a few other things. It adds a natural sweet taste to anything. The smell of sugar filled the air again taking away the last of the cookie smell.

Rainbow shifted on the couch as he woke up from his much-needed nap. He looks over at me, even with the mild darkness of the room I could see his amber eyes.

"Morning Dad..." He rubbed his tired eyes and sat up. My heart fluttered a bit at how he called me that. His dad... if only he knew.

"Morning Rainbow, I made some pancakes for us." I grinned at him. He looks over at me and smiles.

"Pancakes!" He cheers and gets up out of the couch before going straight to the table to sit down. His legs dangled far above the ground. Then again the table and chairs I have are especially tall. Even my feet dangle when I sit down. I brought both of us two plates filled with pancakes. I had to bring the syrup I made right after. He pours a lot of it over his pancakes and eats them. His eyes light up from the taste. I smiled a bit as I slowly enjoyed mine.

"I have a question for you Rainhow," I asked him while we ate. He looks at me confused. "What do you want to do for your birthday?" I smiled at him. He pauses confused.

"My birthday?..." He stops eating seeming genuinely confused by what I asked.

"Your birthday celebration you know? Do you want to have a party? Go out? Maybe stay in? Things like that." I questioned him. He looked down a bit and pushed his plate away. My heart sank a little. Don't tell me...

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