Physical Therapy

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    We woke up early to get to the physical therapy with Rainbow. Since he still doesn't want to go in the car we had to get to the subway. He felt better in the subway under the city than in a car. In fact he even seemed interested in it. I watched him look at the tunnel walls as we sat quietly in the subway. Thankfully we didn't have to leave until after the regular rush hour. He was wearing different clothes, but kept the flash hoodie wrapped around his waist in case he got cold. He loves that hoodie. I'm glad I got it for him.
     "Do you think the Flash is as fast as this subway train?" He asked me.
    "I have no idea." I told him as I looked down at my leg. Maybe I can test that out later for him when my leg recovers. I have less than a month before my leg completely heals. Maybe I will try running then. I have actually never calculated my top speed... Maybe Dr. Watts has. Huh.. It's been awhile since I have seen him. I help online with ordering supplies for his lab, but that's it. Maybe I will give him a call later today. He might even know something about that new villain.
    "Did you have a girlfriend?" Rainbow asked me out of the blue. I looked at him in surprise.
    "Where did that come from?"
"Well... You live alone and your friend was talking about it."
    "I had a girlfriend in college, but we broke up."
    "Is that why you live alone? Do you still love her?"
    "No, I just wanted some time for myself. I don't... like her anymore." Ash. When was the last time I even talked to her? After we graduated we broke up because he thought I wasn't being committed enough even though I was the Flash then and had to work hard in school and my secret superhero job. I still have her number in my phone, but I haven't even tried messaging her once. I don't even think she knows I foster kids now or the incident. The Announcement on the train rang loudy for everyone to hear. This was our stop. I got up and reached my hand to Rainbow seeing if he would take my hand. He looked at me and grabbed my sleeve without taking my hand. I sighed. At least he is willing to hold onto me.
     "Don't let go. I don't want you getting lost in the crowds. The therapist is just above us if you do get lost."
     "Okay..." Rainbow muttered. The Train made it's stop and we headed inside to the station and our way up the stairs. Rainbow Stayed close to me in the small crowd of people leaving the same way we were. I kept my eye on Rainbow as we got back to the streets of Core city and to the door of the doctor's facility. Rainbow lets go of my sleeve.
    "It looks like a gym." He says as he looks through some of the windows to see a work out place for those who are further in physical therapy.
    "Yeah that's how some people recover. They work out the muscles that are weak and do certain stretches as well. It's how physical therapy works for the most part." I explained to Rainbow. He smiled and I opened the door for Rainbow he headed in adn I followed about to close the door behind me when a woman appeared going past me. I looked at their faces for a second and my heart sank.
    A young girl with very light brown hair and bright green eyes passed me. They were wearing a work out outfit with She had some stick bandages around her shoulder. She didn't seem to notice me. It was Ash. Today I thought about her once and here she is again. I couldn't bring myself to say a word to her as she quickly passed by me and soon Rainbow. I closed the door behind me and sighed. It's probably better if I don't say anything to her. Rainbow looks at me.
     "Who was that?" He asked me.
    "No idea. She went right past me." I told him as I looked around. This definitely felt like the entrance to a fancy gym. There was a front desk and small exercise clothes and supplies you could buy. Also small separated gyms for women and men. I couldn't go to the gym to work out. Mostly if I did anything that involved running. It's also nice to have my own private gym at home. Well if I could call it that. I went to the front desk where I saw a man looking over a computer.
    "Sabre Nolan. I'm new here." I said. I looked at Rainbow who was standing next to me. The man looks at some files on his computer and types my name. He looks at me after looking for my information.
    "I don't see that name."
    "Oh uh, It's S-A-B-R-E not E-R." I sighed. He types it again.
     "There you are. Go into room 104. You need your leg x-rayed before we can check on you. The Therapist will see you there." He roughly points in a direction.
     "Thank you. Let's go Rain." I headed in the direction the man pointed to as Rainbow followed close behind me. We found room 104 that has some chairs on the side. I sat down in one of them and Rainbow sat next to me. We patiently wait for a doctor to come our way. I saw a doctor walk our way with a name tag labeled. Dr. Mint. I think that's who doctor William's told me about
    "Sabre hello!" He reached his hand to me. I stood up and I shook his hand.
    "It's good to see you. Ready for the two month full recovery on your leg?" He asked me. I laughed a bit.
    "I am, but not my wallet." He laughed at that and looked at Rainbow.
    "Is that your son?" Rainbow quickly stood up in surprise and hid behind me.
    "No! He is my foster son. I'm a little young to have a 12 year old biological son." I joked and rubbed Rainbow's head. He didn't flinch with my touch. I smiled a bit.
    "That's alright. He has peculiar eyes. I've never seen anyone with such bright amber eyes." Dr. Mint compliments Rainbow. He didn't say anything to him.
    "You know how it works, Sabre. Go in and I'll do everything from outside. I'll make sure your kid is alright." I looked at Rainbow who gave me a quick nod. I went inside to get my leg x-rayed.

    After the X-ray me and Rainbow went to the main gym floor. They wanted me to wait here because most of the rooms are being used already. Rainbow was watching and looking at all the equipment in the room. I didn't bother him as I looked at my leg. I had to take the brace off for the X-ray. I had it laying next to me waiting for the okay for me to put it back on. It was strange for my leg to feel so light now. I felt something softly bounce off of my foot. I looked down to see a stray water bottle went to my feet. I picked it up and realized it looked familiar. It looked like Ash's water bottle in college. Covered in the same stickers as before I laughed a bit and looked up. Ash was working out in the main gym. I guess she didn't want to use the female gym today. She was looking around for her watterbootle she must've accidentally kicked away. I grabbed my cane and stood up.
    "Rainbow stay here for a second okay?" Rainbow didn't seem to hear me as he messed with the sleeves of his hoodie. I put my hand on his head and he looked up at me.
    "Sorry was I-"
    "You were, but it's alright. Someone dropped their water and I'm going to give it back to them."
    "Okay. I'll stay right here." I went up to ash feeling my heart start to beat faster in my chest. I barely manage to say her name.
    "Ash, I think you dropped this." I handed her the water bottle. She turned and looked at me with surprise.
    "Sabre?! What are you doing here?" She took the water bottle from my hands. I smiled trying to hide my nervousness.
    "Physical Therapy." I told her. She looked at me a bit confused then saw the cane in my hand.
    "What happened?"
    "I broke my leg a few months ago. I am here to see if I am ready for physical therapy."
    "Sorry to hear that... How did you break your leg?" I looked around and at Rainbow. He was spacing out again and didn't seem to be listening to us. I sighed.
    "I was jumped. They broke my leg and shot me." I told her honestly. Her eyes widened in shock. "Don't worry the bullet wound has fully healed. I have about another month on my leg, but I can start therapy early."
    "That's good to hear, you still have the tendency to get hurt where you go huh?"
    "I've been having problems with my shoulder lately. I come here to get work done to relieve tension and weakness in it. It's been a long process but soon I will be able to do all of this at home."
    "I kind of assumed since the athletic tape is around your shoulder." We both laughed a bit. I was about to say something else when my name got called.
    "Sabre, I have some surprising news for you." Dr. Mint said. I went over to him. Rainbow looked at me confused.
    "What is it?"
    "The recovery was faster than we assumed. What should have taken another month to heal... it's already fully healed." He gives me an x-ray and shows me that my leg fractures that I was so used to seeing these past few months have fully healed. My leg is no longer broken.
    "How- all the doctors agreed it would take another month." I looked at Rainbow and showed him the x-ray. He looked surprised then nervous.
    "Rainbow, don't worry this is a good thing! It means I can go more into physical therapy than I first thought. My leg us going to heal and soon I won't need this stupid cane anymore."
    "Yup! Soon we can walk everywhere without me having to sit down every few minutes," I watched his nervousness in his face disappear. I smiled.
    "If you come with me Sabre I can start working on your leg and explain all the things we need to do here as well as what you need to do at home." Dr. Mint took my leg brace since I will no longer be needing it. I will be keeping the cane though. I can already feel how weak and tight my leg feels. I need to build up my strength in my leg after not using it for so long. I might be able to run on my one year anniversary of the flash, Imagine that.

    He snuck into the Fostercare center with ease. As long as he wasn't seen he could find what he was looking for in this strange strange world. He went into the backrooms of the building with a sign labeled No kids allowed. It won't change anything he needs to get done. He soon found himself looking through files of many young girls and boys around the age of twelve. He finds a file within the mess of papers.
    He looked at the small note written in a different language. He read it with ease and smiled. He looks back at the main filing reading all the information about the child. He has found him. He has found the small hero and knows exactly who has him.
    "Let's see who this Sabre is." He puts the information of the child away before leaving. No one will ever know he was there.
(Words 2049)

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