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Alexis lay in bed next to Tom, she had been staying with Tom for a few weeks.

They were trying their best to keep their relationship strong while having Lily

Alexis knew that things in her life hadn't been easy at the moment but she knew how she loved Tom and how she'd do anything for him and she knew that it wasn't going to be easy but she knew that her relationship with Tom was the only thing that was going strong at the minute.

Alexis heard Lily as she strutted as she stood up and walked into the nursery and smiled as she started to settle her back to sleep. She knew it would only be for half an hour before she was awake for the day

"are you okay" Alexis asked as she looked to tom and smiled

"I'm fine, I guess things are just a mess but I have you and Lily snd I want to make it permanent with us so I have been thinking what if we move in together officially so that we can make it work and we can be a family officially" tom said as Alexis smiled.

Alexis knew that it was a big decision to make and she didn't know what to think

Alexis sat in the common room as Christine walked in and looked to her and smiled

"are you okay" Christine asked a Alexis looked to her and smiled

"I'm okay" Alexis said as Christine nodded

"I know that you have been through a lot, but I am your mum and I thought that you could move back in with me and we could try again I mean I am your mother after all" Christine said as Alexis looked to her and sighed

"really you think that's the best idea, I had an eating disorder and you didn't see, grace didn't see no one saw as I was miserable at home and yeah I am overcoming it but I do have my days, I have days were I feel like I am not going to make it at all but moving home is only going to cause one thing and that's trouble so I am sorry I can't" Alexis said as grace walked in and frowned

"what's going on" grace asked as Alexis stood up and walked out

"ask her" Alexis said as grace looked to Christine and sighed

"why can't you leave her alone, she's got a kid you need to back off of her" grace said knowing how much her little sister had been through

Alexis walked into toms classroom and smiled as he pulled her close and kissed her. She kissed him back and smiled

"Are you okay?" He asked as she sighed

"so I have been thinking over us and I don't want to rush into anything so I think we should keep things how they are" Alexis said as Tom nodded as he pulled her close and kissed her but could they make it work?

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