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Alexis sighed as she sat in bed at graces. She had shut herself out and didn't want to see anyone. The only one that she had spoken to was grace. Alexis sighed as she looked to her small bump and sighed. She knew that she needed to get better for the baby. She had too. Alexis heard the doorbell go and sighed to herself as grace looked to her and smiled "it's Tom" she said as Alexis sighed "tell him to go away, I can't do it. I can't face him" she said as grace nodded. Grace was worried over her little sister and she knew that she was one push away from a breakdown and she didn't know how to be there to catch her when the time came. Grace walked down to the door and smiled as she looked to tom " is Alexis in" He asked as grace looked to him and smiled "I'm sorry Tom, she doesn't want to see you" grace said as Tom looked to her and frowned.

Tom was hurt and he knew that nothing he could do to help it "okay, just keep an eye on her please grace. It's my baby that she is carrying and I'm worried about her and I don't want to say anything bad but it seems as if your mum doesn't care" he said as grace looked to him and smiled "she doesn't tom, she never had why do you think lex is so messed up. She is hurt and rejected and our so called mother makes her feel so worthless, she is the reason that Alexis is so fragile and messed up. Don't blame yourself, she is scared and she just needs sometime and it isn't easy, especially when she is pregnant and struggling with an eating disorder" grace said as Tom looked to her and smiled.


Later that day, grace got to work and frowned as she saw Christine. She was angry, she could tell that she was drunk and she had just about had it. She stormed over to her and glared "your a vile excuse for a mother, my sister is a mess because of you. It's all your fault and I swear to god if anything happens to her or her baby I will make sure everyone sees what a pathetic mess that you are. I promise you now that they will all know what a bully and a drunk that you are as Alexis deserves so much better than you, we all do" grace said as she walked off. She didn't care anymore, she was done.

Later that day, Alexis walked down the hall and sighed. She wasn't feeling herself at all. She felt dizzy. Alexis placed a hand on her stomach and sighed. She didn't feel right and felt as if there was something wrong with the baby before she fell to the floor in agony and screamed out in pain. She knew that there was something wrong but would Alexis and her baby be okay?

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