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Alexis sighed as she placed Lily down in her crib as she slept. Alexis was exhausted and felt as if she needed to sleep for a week.

She walked out of the bedroom and walked into the kitchen as she walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. She looked to see a slice of chocolate that alexa had left her and smiled.

Alexis knew that she was still struggling from her eating disorder but she also knew how she was trying her best and knew how she didn't want to be the girl with the eating disorder.

Alexis knew that her eating disorder came down to her mum and how Christine treated her and she knew it wasn't easy but she didn't want to try and get past it and she knew that meant following her therapists advice and trying to love herself.

Alexis grabbed the slice of cake from the fridge and smiled as she grabbed a fork and cut a bit off of it as she took a bite. She knew it was hard but she was ignoring the demons in her head and she wanted to be able to completely ignore them
Alexis got to school and walked into toms classroom. He looked to her and smiled as she held a sleeping Lily

"how are my girls" he asked as she looked to him and smiled

"we are good alright she's starting to teeth. I wanted to know if you could pick her up and have her tonight. I have therapy and I have an exam I am no way prepared for" Alexis said as Tom looked to her and smiled

"of course I would love to have her. I can have her more often too if you want I mean you are not in this alone and you need a break from time to time and I am her father and I should help you more" Tom said as Alexis smiled

"you do help Tom. You support her finically and I appreciate it" Alexis said as Tom nodded

"I know but I do want to be more than the bank to her. I want to be her dad and get to know her a love her" Tom said as Alexis looked to him and smiled

"than why don't you have her until the weekend. She's teething too so you need to pick up some stuff from the chemist" Alexis said as Tom looked to her and smiled

"of course consider it done" he said as she looked To him and smiled

Alexis sat in the common room as she sat studying as grace walked in and smiled as she looked to her little sister and smiled

"I wanted to see if everything was okay. I saw you had the cake Alexa got you" grace said as Alexis sighed

"I know what your asking I didn't throw it up I ate it. I am getting better and I want to try and out what I went through behind me and I know it won't be easy but it's what I want to do" Alexis said as grace looked to her and smiled

"you don't need to worry it's going to be okay and this will soon be a distant memory" grace said as Alexis looked to her and smiled hoping she was right as it was far from easy

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