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Lexi sighed to herself as she got to school. She had been staying with Grace and Alexia since her fight with christine. Grace knew that there was something going on with her sister, she knew that she was alexis, her little sister and knew that there was something going on with her. Even if Lexi wouldnt open up and tell her the truth, Grace knew that she was gonig to find out the secrets that her little sister was keeping. Lexi sighed as she held an apple in her hand and took a bite. She couldnt help but feel fat from a bite from an apple. Lexi knew that her binging was starting to get out of hand and sighed as she threw the apple in the bin and sighed as she ran her hands through her hair and sighed. She glanced around and bite her lip, feeling anxious. Lexi knew what she had to do and she didnt want to do it. It made her feel sick and weak but she couldnt help herself. Lexi knew that she had a problem and didnt know how to stop herself.Lex walked over to the sink and made herself throw up. Once she was done, she ran hand through her hair and pulled her knees to her chest as she started to sob.


Lexi got to school and smield slighlty as she saw tom. She looked to him and they made eye contact "alexis" he said as she smirked "its lexi, only my mother calls me that" she said as he smirked "lexi, it suits you" he siad as she smirked "you know what else suits me, my clothes on your bedroom floor" she said smirking as he looked taken back slighlty and looked to her and smirked as she walked off. He watched after her and shock his head. He knew that there was something about her, he couldnt resist and frankly he couldnt care if she was a student or the heads daughter, he wanted her and knew that it would only be a matter of time before he slept with her.

Lexi sighed to herself as she sat in the canteen with a bottle of water and watched as christine walked in and took a seat opposite her. Lexi rolled her eyes and looked to her "what do you want?" she asked as christine looked to her "im here to tell you to come home, i already lost grace and im not loosing another teenage daughter" she said as lexi rolled her eyes "grace is back and doesnt it say more about you than us, huh mother" lexi said as she stood up but christine followed her "you cant keep acting like this" "like what?" lexi asked "a brat, grow up" christine said as lexi rolled her eyes "at least imnot a drunk" lexi spat as christine slapped her. Tom saw from down the hall as lexi held her cheek and looked ot her mother "screw you" she spat walked in toms direction.


Tom pulled lexi into the classroom and looked to her and smiled "are you okay?" he asked as he looked to her cheek "im fine" she said as they looked to each toher for a moment before they leant in and kissed each other. He grabbed her waist and backed her towards the desk lifting her up onto it as he stood between her legs. She ran her hands through his hand as he ran his hands up her thighs. She smirked into the kiss before she pulled away for a moment and unhooked his belt as he pullled her close and pushed into her causing them both to moan. Both unaware of the consquences to come.

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