Twenty one

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Alexis walked into the kitchen and smiled as she saw grace, grace looked to her sister and smiled

"are you okay" grace asked as Alexis sighed

"I guess so I am just trying so hard to be a good mum to Lily and to be strong but it's not easy you know, none of it is easy and I hate it. I just want for it to be okay. I am worried that I will have a relapse" Alexis said as she sat next to her sister as grace pulled her into a hug and smiled

"I know that it's hard but you are not alone you have come talk to be, do you want to go back and see your therapist see if that will help you l mean I know that you have been through a lot but you don't need to worry, I won't let anything happen to you and I don't want you to get Ill like before and I think that you don't want that either, I mean you have worked so how to be there and be a good mum to Lily. The last thing that you want is to give up" grace said as Alexis nodded

"I think going back to the therapist, well it won't hurt" Alexis said as grace smiled as she pulled her into a hug and smiled
Alexis got to school and smiled as she saw Tom as he walked down the hallway over to where she was and smiled

"are you okay" he asked as she nodded.

He frowned as he grabbed her arm and pulled her into an empty classroom and looked to her and smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"I know that your scared but it will okay" he said as she looked to him and smiled

"I'm just so scared that something will happen and I will loose control, I don't want to relapse after everything" Alexis said as Tom smiled

"I know it's hard I do but I am here for you and I am going no where and if you need a break I can take Lily while you get your head together I love you Lex and I will do what I can to support you" he said as she looked to him and smiled

"what would I do without you" she said as he smiled.

The kiss got more heated as he lifted her up onto the desk as stood between her legs as she pulled him close as she undid his belt and smirked as he pulled her close as he pushed into her causing her to moan in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her

Alexis sighed as she sat in the bedroom with Lily, she looked to her and smiled.

Alexis knew how hard that things were and she was scared. She was scared that she was failing Lily as it was the last thing that she wanted

she wanted to try and be a good mum, Alexis held Lily close as she cried as she tried to sooth her.

Alexis knew just how hard that things were but with things the way they they were could she cope with it all or would it all be too much?

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