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Alexis groaned to herself as she woke up to the sound of Lily crying.

She sat up in bed as she looked to Lily and smiled. She picked her up and kissed her and smiled. Alexis knew that she was struggling with Lily.

She was teething and she had been up most of the night and Alexis felt as if she ha d hardly slept.

Alexis managed to calm her down and smiled as she walked down into the kitchen and smiled as she saw grace

"hey are you okay" grace asked as Alexis smiled

"I haven't slept. She's been up all night and now I have to go to school and I have to try and stay away. It's just so hard" Alexis said as grace handed her some crumpets as Alexis frowned

"you need to eat it will give you some energy and I'll talk to mum and you can come in at break time and I'll take Lily in to the crèche" grace said

"I don't want to take advantage"

"you are not. You have been up all night. Eat these and go back to bed. It's hard to be a mum I know I did it alone and you aren't going to do it alone" she said as Alexis smiled.

Alexis knew just how hard that things were

Alexis answered the door the house and looked to Tom

"shouldn't you be at school" Alexis asked as Tom looked to her and smirked

"shouldn't you?" She asked as he smirked. He followed her into the house

"I am sleeping I was. Your daughter had me up she is teething. You can take her tonight" Alexis said as she walked into her room as tom followed her

"you know I have never been in your room at your sisters" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes

"I know how things are and how tense it had been but it will be okay I am here for you and you are not alone. We made her together" tom said as Alexis smiled

"I get that tom but your not here at night"

"then let me take her for a few days. I am here I promise" he said as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled.

He pulled her and kissed her. She moaned into the kiss as it got more passionate as he pushed her back onto the bed and smirked. She ran her hands through her hair and moaned as they stripped off.

He got between her legs and pushed into her. She moaned into pleasure as she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him close

Alexis sat in the common room as she got to school.

She knew that she was trying to focus on school work and she knew that she was under a lot of stress but it scared her.

She knew that she didn't want the feeling of the stress as she knew that when she was stressed she purged and she didn't want that

she wanted to try and be normal and the last thing that she wanted was to get close to a relapse and it scared her.

But could Alexis get through things or would she end up relapsing?

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