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Alexis was sitting in her bedroom with Lily. She smiled as she looked at her little girl. Alexis knew that she was struggling with everything. Especially how her mum wanted her back there.

Alexis knew deep down, she couldn't go back there. Everything was too messy and she couldn't put herself through it all again.

The door opened and Alexa walked in. She smiled. "Me see baby?" She asked.

"Of course. Come here cutie," Alexis said as she helped her niece onto the bed. "Where's your mummy?"

Alexa giggled. "Mummy and Maxy making mine breakfasts. Maxy says me his favourite girl."

Alexis smiled. She helped Alexa see Lily. She giggled. "She cute! My mummy have a baby?"

"You have to ask her babes. Do you want a little baby sister or brother?" She asked.

"A sister. Cause then I can share my dollies! And I share them with Lily too!"

Alexis went to school. She took her baby to the crèche and smiled as she saw Tom. She looked at him and sighed. "Lily is fast asleep in the crèche. She is looking gorgeous as always. Like me."

Tom laughed and nodded. He walked over to her. "You are gorgeous. I hope you know that."

"Thank you. That does mean a lot to me," Alexis said.

Tom took her into an empty classroom. He smiled and kissed passionately. He sighed. "It won't be long until we can be together properly. Me. You and Lily. Our little family."

Alexis smiled and kissed him again. "I can't wait for that day. I love you."

"I love you too."

Alexis sat in the common room. She frowned as Christine walked in. "Don't start mum. Please."

"I'm not. I just wanted to see how you're doing. You're my daughter after all. And I do love you," Christine said as she sat down.

Alexis nodded. "I'm okay. Lily's okay. We're both happy with Grace. And I've heard about what Connor has been getting up to. So maybe it's best that I'm not there."

Christine sighed. She didn't blame Alexis for not wanting to come home. She felt bad that she wasn't ever there for her. "When Connor has gone to college, you can come back and we can try again?" She asked.


Christine looked at her. "I'm trying Alexis. You're not making this easy at all."

"I'm a kid! I shouldn't have to make things easy! You never give a damn about me!" She said.

Alexis walked into Grace's classroom. She smiled and sat on the desk. "Mum wants me to go home when Connor has gone to college. I don't know."

"You have to do what you think is best for you and for your daughter babes."

Alexis nodded. "That's the thing. I don't think being at home with mum is good for us. Connor has been setting fires. What if he starts one and I'm there alone with Lily?"

Grace took her hand. "Then you stay with me. I'm not going to let you suffer alone. I'm your sister and I care for you."

Alexis smiled and nodded. But with her inner demons about to rear their head again, could Alexis fight it all over again?

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