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Alexis knew how she was coming close to replacing. She knew that things were getting too much for her. She knew someone had reported her to social services. And she felt like it was her mum.

She knew that she didn't have any proof of it. But she knew that it had to have been her. It couldn't have been anyone else.

Things were hard for her. She hated how someone had said she wasn't a good mum. That she had been neglecting her own baby.

Alexis knew she had never had a good mum. So she wanted to be a good mum to her own baby. But someone was trying to ruin that for her.

She felt as though it was all getting too much for her. She couldn't cope with it. She had come so close to having a relapse and that was something she didn't want.

She knew that if she had a relapse, she would risk losing Lily. And she wouldn't cope if she lost her little girl.

All she knew was that things weren't easy at all. And she didn't know how to feel about everything that had been going on.

Morning came all too quickly for her. She was lying in bed with Lily. She held her close and smiled. "Don't worry baby. Mummy won't let anyone take you from me. I'll die before I let them take you," she said.

Lily babbled as she gripped onto Alexis' finger. Alexis smiled she knew that Lily was her whole world. And she couldn't cope if she was to lose her.

Alexis was going to prove that it was Christine who called them on her. She just didn't know how.

The door opened and Grace walked in. She smiled. "Hey. I've made you some pancakes. And Lily her bottle. Do you feel up to coming into school?" She asked.

Alexis shook her head. She felt a tear slip down her cheeks. "No. But do you think you could take Lily? I just... I'm not sleeping as well."

Grace nodded and smiled. "Course I will. You get some rest. But come and have some breakfast. Okay?"


Alexis knew how she hated lying. But she was worried that things were going to be hard.

Tom arrived at work. He saw Grace with Lily and frowned. "Where's Alexis?" He asked.

Grace sighed. "She's in a bad place Tom. I'm worried about her. She didn't want to come in today," she told him.

Tom frowned. He didn't know what to think. But he was worried about the mother of his child. "If you want, I can take Lily tonight. I know she's going through a lot."

"I think she wants her with her. But I'll talk to her."

Alexis arrived outside her mum's. She took out her key and sighed. She knew if her mum saw her, she would go mad. But she didn't care. She needed to get proof that her mum had been the one to call social services.

She walked into the house and went to the bedroom. She saw the calendar. She couldn't see anything. She didn't know what to think. But before anything, she felt her world turning dark...

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