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Alexis walked back into the house and sighed to herself as she closed the door. She had spent the night with tom "where have you been?" Alexis heard grace say causing Alexis to groan as she looked to her sister and sighed. "Who is he?" Grace asked as she followed Alexis into the kitchen. Alexis took s sip of her water and sighed as she ran a hand through her hair as she looked to her sister and smiled "he's no one, no one that you know" Alexis said as grace looked to her and smirked. Grace looked to her and smirked, she knew what her sister was like and knew that she couldn't say anything as she knew that she was the same but grace couldn't help but worry about Alexis as Christine continued to get to her.

Alexis got to school and stood in the car park. She looked to see tom and smirked to him. She walked over to him and smiled "hey" she said as he looked to her and smiled to her slightly "we shouldn't be talking" he said as she looked to her and frowned "funny, you weren't saying that last night. Get over yourself" Alexis said to him annoyed. She was annoyed at him and felt as if he was using her for sex, and it made her feel cheap and pathetic. Alexis walked into the school with tears rolling down her face as she walked into the toilets and forced herself to be sick, she knew it was the only thing that helped her get through things.


Alexis walked down the hall and groaned as she saw Christine, who looked to her and frowned "Alexis, where have you been?" She asked as Alexis crossed her arms over her chest and looked to her "out" Alexis said as Christine looked to her and frowned "you look like a whore and you are acting like one" Christine said as Alexis looked to her and frowned as grace stood down the hall and frowned as she watched as her mother insulted her little sister.  Grace walked over and looked to Christine and frowned "leave her alone and back off" grace said to Christine as they started to argue as Alexis walked to the toilets and started to cry. She felt sick to her stomach. She grabbed a load of crisps and chocolate and started to stuff her face before she forced herself to be sick.

Grace walked into the toilets afterwards and frowned as she looked to Alexis and smiled "it's okay" grace said as she pulled Alexis into a hug. She knew that something was going on with Alexis but didn't know what it was.


Later that afternoon, Alexis walked into toms classroom and smiled to her. He could see that she was upset and knew it was to do with Christine. He stood from his desk and walked over to her and pulled her into a hug and smiled "she's wrong about you, Christine, I think that you are great" he said as he looked to her and smiled as he leant in and kissed her. Alexis placed a hand on his cheek as she kissed him back slightly and smiled.

Later that night, Alexis got home and walked to the bathroom and sighed. She looked to the pregnancy test in her bag and sighed as she walked into the bathroom and took the test, Alexis didn't know what she was going to do, she knew it would be toms baby and also knew she had her own struggles to deal with, without being pregnant. Alexis looked down at the test and looked to see it was positive

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