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Alexis sighed as she sat in the icu and looked to her small baby. She looked as grace walked in and smiled "I wanted to talk to you, I know that your going through a lot and as your older sister it's my job to worry. Your sixteen with a premature baby and with your eating disorder I think that it would be best if you go and see someone" grace said as Alexis looked to her and frowned "like a shrink" she asked as grace nodded "I only want why is best for you, think about it. Okay?" Grace said as Alexis looked to her and nodded "of course I will. I just want to be here with my baby" Alexis said as she placed a hand on the incubator and smiled. Grace placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled "of course you do, and no one is going to stop you. I promise" Grace said as Alexis looked to her and smiled

Alexis smiled as the door to the icu opened as Tom walked in. He walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled "are you okay" Tom asked as she looked to him and nodded "we need to make her in case anything happens" Tom said as she looked to him and frowned "what do you mean in case, she's going to be fine" Alexis said as Tom looked to her and smiled "I know" he said as Alexis placed a hand on the incubator and smiled as she looked to her baby and smiled "her name is lily. She's a lily" Alexis said as Tom wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close and smiled "it's perfect, she's perfect" Tom said as he held her close as Alexis rested her head into his chest and sighed hoping that he was right as she couldn't loose lily.


Alexis got to the school. She needed a break from the hospital as her head was a mess with it all. She walked down the hall and towards Christine's classroom, Christine looked to her and paled "Alexis...are you okay" she asked as Alexis shock her head "no. I'm not, you messed me up, you downgraded me and you made me feel as if I'm nothing. Your the reason I developed an eating disorder" Alexis said as Christine hung her head in shame and sighed "I'm sorry, I am and I want to be better" she said as Alexis sighed "it's not about you, I need to get better for my baby so stay away" Alexis said as she walked off out of the classroom and sighed to herself feeling as if a weight had been lifted


Alexis got back to the hospital and saw grace. Grace looked to her and smiled "are you okay " grace asked as Alexis nodded "I needed to think, and I think your right I'll see a shrink I know part of me is still struggling and I need to do this for lily" Alexis said as grace hugged her and smiled "I'm proud of you" grace said as Alexis smiled to herself hoping she could overcome her eating disorder

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