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Alexis frowned to herself as she woke up tot he sound of yelling. She sat up and sighed as she rubbed her eyes. She stood from her bed and walked over to Lily's cot and smiled as she saw that she was fast asleep still. She wrapped her up and smiled as she walked out of the room and downstairs as she saw that grace and Christine were arguing, Alexis sighed to herself, she knew that she wasn't in the mood to deal with being stuck in the middle of both of them "there you are, you can go and pack your stuff your coming home" Christine said as Alexis sighed "lily is asleep and I'm not waking her and im staying with grace. She has room for me and lily and you don't" Alexis said as Christine looked to her and sighed "but I do, I am moving house and I want you there too. I am your mother and your meant to live with me, grace has her own life and alexa to look after" Christine said

Grace looked to Christine and rolled her eyes "what, you don't think I can look after her. I have been looking after her for months, while you were off your face getting drunk and while she battled an eating disorder which caused her to go into premature labour, I can look after her" grace said as Christine looked to her and sighed "but you don't have too, she is my daughter and like it or not. You are coming home with me even if I have to go through the courts" grace looked to her and rolled her eyes "try me, I will and I will win" grace said before Christine walked off. Alexis sighed to herself. She felt torn and she didn't know what to think or who to side with.


Alexis got to school and sat in the classroom as Tom walked in. He looked to her snd smiled "are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and smiled "no, not really my mum and grace are fighting again and I just wanted to see you" she said as he wrapped an arm around her and smiled "you don't need to worry, i a, here and it's all going to be okay, I promise" Tom said. He looked to her and smiled as he leant in and kissed her. Alexis kissed him back and smirked into the kiss as it got more passionate. He pushed her against the desk as she looked to him and smirked as she pulled him close. She undid his belt and smirked as he pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her.


Alexis waked into the bathroom and sighed as she saw a sandwich in her bag and ate it as fast as she could. She knew it was getting too much being between grace and Christine. Alexis knew that even that she had gone so far she felt like it was the only option she had left. She walked to the toilet preparing to make herself sick as grace walked in "Alexis, no" she said as Alexis looked to her with tears in her eyes "I'm so sorry" Alexis sobbed as Grace pulled her into a hug and smiled "it's okay, I've got you I promise" she said loving she'd protect her sister no matter what.

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