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Christine Mulgrew sat in her office and sighed. Her daughter Alexis, or Lexi as she liked to be known hadn't been home in three days and she hadn't been to school in two days. Lexi was a party girl who had no respect for rules and didnt follow them at all. Christine grabbed her phone and went to sent her a text as Sonia knocked at the door "sorry, Christine but the police are here to see you its regarding Alexis" Sonia said as Christine sighed and ran her hands through her hair "of course it is, send them in Sonia" She said as she sat back in the chair and sighed. It wasnt Lexi's first time in trouble with the police which worried Christine. She tried her best with Lexi who just pushed her away, she never had this type of trouble when it came to Connor. The door opened and two officers walekd in with a drunk Lexi.

Christine stood up and sighed as she led Lexi over to the couch and sat her down. She looked to Lexi and sighed as she seen the mess that she was in. Her hair was mess and she had love bites all over her neck, much to Christine's annoyance. Her make up was smudged and she looked as if she had been in yet another fight "what did she do now?" she asked "she was passed out drunk and looked to be in a fight" the officer said as Christine nodded "thank you for bringing her back" Christine said as they walked out. She looked over to Lexi and sighed "what am i going to do with you Alexis?" she asked as Lexi looked to her and glared "i dont why dont you have a drink" Lexi spat at her as Christine sighed.


Lexi groaned as she felt herself sobering up. She frowned as she realised that she was on the couch in christines office "oh your awake, good, we need to talk" christine said as lexi rolled her eyes "no, we dont" Lexi said as she stood up looking for her shoes "what are you doing?" christine asked as Lexi looked to her "i need a drink" "lex, you have a prblem" "yeah, and its you. its a bit rich coming from the alcohol and besides at least im not a murderer you killed an unborn baby" lexi spat "you really are a brat" chistine said as Lexi walekd off. She walked down the hall and walked into someone "watch it" he said as Lwxi stubbled. He grabbed her waist and she lookd to him and smiled "i dont think thats part of the school uniform" he said as he looked to the tight, small blue dress that she was wearing. She looked to him and smirked "you can see whats under it if you want?" she asked as he chuckled. Christine looked on and frowned as she looked to see her daughter flirting with tom.

Lexi sat in the cantten and sat eating a pate of chips. She spotted her brother onnor wh owalekd over to her "lex" he said as he sat oppisite her. He took off his jacket and placed it over her as she looekd cold. Lexi finished the chips and sat back, she was hit with the feeling of beibg greedy and feeling fat "il lbe back in a minute" she said as she stood up and rushed out. She rushed into the toilets as she bent down in front of it, making ehrself sick so that she threw up the food that she had just eaten. Lexi sighed as she ran a hand through her hair. She was Bulimic and it was gonig to be a big problem for her, but she didnt know just how big

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