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Alexis sat on the couch as she attended counselling. She ran her hand through her hair as the counsellor looked to her and smiled "tell me over your childhoo Alexis, was it a happy time?" She asked as Alexis looked to her "no, not at all. My mum was a drunk, she's still a drunk and all she cares about is herself. It was just me and my older sister and brother, grace looked after me and raised me for as long as I remembered. She was like a mum, my mum.. she was always shouting and blaming us. She always blamed me and said I was unwanted. It made me feel as if it was true" "and do you think that could be a trigger for your eating disorder as it seems to me that your mum is the one with the problem and she needs help, none of this is your fault" she said as Alexis looked to her and smiled

"Isn't it? Maybe I should of been a better daughter" Alexis said "no, none of it is your fault, your mum has problems and she has to deal with them and your now a mum and you led to try and get better as you will end up killing your self with this illness and you don't want your baby to grow up and ask why you weren't there because you weren't strong enough to fight this" she said as Alexis looked to her and smiled. Alexis walked out of the room and into the waiting room and smiled as she saw grace. Grace looked to her sister and smiled as she hugged her "how did it go?" "Okay, I guess" Alexis said as grace looked to her and smiled "it's all going to be okay, I promise" grace said as Alexis looked to her and smiled


Alexis walked into the bathroom and sighed. She was trying to be strong but she couldn't, it was all to much. She bend down by the toilet as she started to make herself throw up "Lex, open the door" grace said as Alexis ignored her only for grace to kick the door in and looked to Alexis "I'm sorry" Alexis sobbed as grace walked over to her and smiled as she pulled her into her arms and smiled "it's okay, I've got you. It's going to be okay" grace said as Alexis broke down crying in her arms. Grace knew that Alexis was broken and that Christine was the one that had broken Alexis and grace needed to try and be there for her little sister


Tom smiled as he walked into the flat and looked to Alexis and smiled. Grace had told him what happened and over Alexis break down. Tom sat next to her and smiled as he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into a hug "I know that your head is a mess but I promise you I'm not going anywhere" Tom said as she looked to him and smiled as he leant in and kissed her. Alexis placed a hand on his cheek and smiled as she kissed him back

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