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A/n: Grace Mulgrew and Alexa rose and any other kiddies belongs to _X_Sammii_X_

The door to the house opened and a drunk Alexis mulgrew stumbled in. She kicked off her heels and threw them to the floor. She didn't care who would hear her. She walked to the kitchen and grabbed a slice of ckse along with as much junk food that she could find. She ate all the for and sighed as she looked across the kitchen before she ran the tap making herself be sick. She sighed to herself and ran her hands through her hair and sighed as she heard a sound from upstairs.

She turned around and saw that Christine stood there. She looked to her daughter and sighed "alexis, what the hell?" She asked as Lexi looked to her and tolled her eyes "what mother?" "You have been gone all not, I thought..." "You thought what that I had ran away like grace, oh please I'm not that smart to think about it" Lexi said "you know what you are out of control and sometimes I wish that it was you that ran away" Christine spat as Lexi looked to her "yeah, you and me both" Lexi said "you are a brat" "change the record mother, will you. You know Grace did the right thing by leaving I mean why would she want to stay with a dried up, bitter old cow and a drunk of our mother looks like" Lexi said as Christine slapped her "I miss it was you dead, not grace" she said as she walked off.

Tears filled lexis eyes as she grabbed another slice of cake, binging again. It was the reason she did it. Christine constantly comparing her to her sister, her older sister that went missing. Everyone thought that she was dead but Lexi didn't she felt as if she would come back one day. Lexi wiped the tears from her eyes as she continued to binge eat. She felt as if she was nothing and not wanted and wished grace was there.

Lexi signed as she got to school the next day. She sat st the back of the class and sighed. She couldn't stop thinking of grace. She hated how grace had left and how everyone thought she was dead. Lexi knew she wasn't. Tom stood at the front of the class and looked to kexi and sighed as the belk went he dismissed the class "Lexi wait" he said as she sighed. He waled over to her and looked to her "what's going on?" He asked as tears rolled down her face "nothing" she said as he sighed "Lexi" "my sister, grace. She ran off and everyone thinks she's dead, no one wants me here. I'm just a waste of space" she said as tom looked to her and smiled. He felt something towards her and wasn't sure what "no, no your not" He said as she looked to him and smiled.

There was a knock at the door and Sonia walked in "sorry, Mrs mulgrew wants to see Alexis in her office" she said as Lexi sighed "of course she does" Lexi said as tom looked to her "are you going to be okay?" He asked as she nodded. Lexi was going to make it her mission to get him.

Lexi walked into the office "okay, I didn't do anything before you even start you stuck up old bat" Lexi said as she walked in. She stopped dead in her tracks as she saw her older sister, grace "oh my god" Lexi said as grace looked to her little sister and smiled "well, you certainly have changed Lexi" she said as Lexi smirked. She noticed a little girl next to grace and frowned "this is Alexa rose, my daughter" grace said as Lexi smiled to her "great name, hey" she said to Alexa who smiled "you pretty" she said as Lexi smiled. "What are you wearing Lexi?" Grace asked as she looked to her unappropriate uniform. Grace knew her little sister was no longer thirteen and innocent.


Grace sighed as she heard knocking on her door that night. She opened the door and sighed as she saw her little sister lying drunk on the door step "really Lexi" she said as she helped her in and lay her on the sofa "no one wants me" Lexi said rather drunk. Grace looked to her and smield "that's not true" she said as Lexi smiled. Little did grace know the secrets her sister was hiding.

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