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Alexis sighed as she sat in graces flat. She had finally been discharged from the hospital and grace didn't want her to come back with Christine. Grace wanted to keep her sister safe and that meant keeping her close. Grace knew that Christine was responsible for Alexis and her mental health. She knew that the way her mother treated her sister made her become bulimic. Grace walked into the sitting room and looked to Alexis as she sat curled up to Alexa as they sat watching Mary poppins "you know that you could of talked to me, let me in what was going on with you" grace said as Alexis looked to her and smiled "how? How could I tell you when I couldn't except it myself and I was scared. I was scared that you would hate me and turn your back on me and send me back to mum, I was scared" Alexis said as grace looked to her and smiled.

Grace hugged her and smiled "it's going to be okay, I'm here for you now and I promise you that I am here for you and it's going to be okay but I do think that you need to speak to someone over what is going on, a professional" Grace said as Alexis looked to her and frowned "I'm not crazy grace, I just have an eating disorder" "I know but your also pregnant, and it's dangerous and you could still loose the baby. Think about it okay, I'm not going to force you do something that you don't want to but it might help you, I know your scared but it's going to be okay" grace said as Alexis looked to her and nodded as she rested a hand on her small bump and smiled "okay, I'll think about it" Alexis said as grace looked to her and smiled before she hugged her "it's going to be okay, I promise"


Later that day, Alexis had agreed to look after Alexa for grace. She knew grace was getting close with max and Alexis wanted to pay grace back for all that she had done "get something to eat and keep it down please" grace said as Alexis nodded as grace kissed her forehead. Alexis sat in the flat and frowned as she heard a knock at the door and she answered it to see it was tom. He looked to her and smiled "can we talk" he asked as she nodded.

Tom walked into the flat and looked to alexa who lay asleep on the sofa "I wanted to see that your okay, I want you to get better" he said "I know" she said as he placed a hand on her bump "I know your scared and your having a battle with yourself over all of this but if you can't do it for your, do it for the baby we want our baby to be healthy after all" tom said as Alexis looked to him and nodded "I'm scared" she said as Tom looked to her and smiled "it's going to be okay" he said as he hugged her close.


Alexis returned to school a few days later. She had promised grace that she would try. Alexis frowned as she saw Christine who walked over to her "your a mess, it's pathetic that your pregnant and bulimic" she spat as Alexis glared "leave me alone" "your pathetic no one will want a mess like you" Christine spat as Alexis asked off down the hall. She fell to the floor and sobbed as grace walked down the hall. She ran over to her sister and hugged her close "it's okay, I've got you" grace said as she held her little sister who seems almost broken.

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