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"You all may be wondering why we're here today. And to that, I will soon answer. But right now, I want us all to reminisce about our history." Cameras flashed in the face of the Hub's president as he stood at a podium with millions of people watching across the country.

"We as humans are a powerful species. We've survived and endured so much, especially within the last three centuries. Since that fateful day in 2134 where we humans lost our home to those, we call demons. Abandoning everything we've built, everything we've created, and everything we loved to survive. We've worked our way underground, attempting to recreate what we once so proudly had. But nothing we've done can replace the surface we left so long ago..."

"But despite all the hardships we faced, all the battles we've had, we still as a race continued and advanced. Our technology has improved, our knowledge has grown, and our understanding of our enemies on the surface has greatly increased. Especially within these last couple of years all thanks to a woman named (Y/N) (L/N) who endured the harshness of the surface all on her own and returned to us with the knowledge that changed the world of demonology as we know it. What would've taken us years, even another century to uncover only took us but a few months to uncrack. And I am proud to say that the information brought to us by (Y/N) (L/N) has proven to be factual after months of careful research and experimentation."

"We now know the truth behind demons. They were once like us. Simple humans and simple animals... Infected with a virus that the government of the old world hid from us and what the Hub now, the new world's government will reveal. Which leads me to what this conference is all about."

"The Hub is now beginning the next step for humanity. A plan we've been working on for years and keeping hidden until this very moment."

"We call it 'Operation: Reclamation. Otherwise known as Reclamation Day."

"All Zone labs across the country will be participating. A team from each Zone will traverse upon the surface, reclaiming their designated areas of the country for six months every two years. In doing so, each Zone will capture any demons they come across and the Head Keepers will be in charge of their fates. Demons who are hostile will be eradicated or captured upon the Head Keeper's word, but if the demon is non-hostile and can be tamed or trusted alongside humanity, Head Keepers can confirm them and put them into a database that protects them from being captured and experimented. We expect there will be those who oppose this but this is the Hub's attempt at trying to recognize the humanity a demon may still have. But if a confirmed demon breaks our trust, then we give full approval of the Zones to eradicate said demon."

"We will be beginning this operation at the beginning of the year and declaring January 1st as a new official holiday. May we all thrive in the new world and wish our Zone Labs much success on the surface."

"Happy Reclamation Day."

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