Chapter 12 - The New Threat

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"Do your people have to searched the place...?" Vam groaned.

(Y/N) apologetically smiled at her while still holding the child demon in her arms. He hasn't let go of her since they reunited together and she honestly didn't mind how clinging he was being. She missed him just as much as he missed her.

When everything calmed down and the Head Keeper officially confirmed the two demons, the rest of the Capturers went back to inspecting the school even though Vam stated that no one else was there besides them. Hearing this made (Y/N) confused however. Shouldn't the rest of their family be here as well?

They walked the halls, with Vam leading the way to find the room her and Tuca were staying in. Jules decided to stick with his wife while the others searched the building. He was still antsy after what happened in the courtyard and even though his wife appears to be familiar with the two, he still felt the need to be close to her. Vam didn't seem too bothered by the humans but was a bit annoyed that they were invading her home.

Well... what used to be her home.

Vam and (Y/N) walked ahead while Tuca kept his eyes on the man like a curious kid. Jules did his best not to meet the child's snake eyes but they were burning a whole into his soul.

"Who's he?" Tuca asked as he watched the man.

(Y/N) turned her head to meet Jules' uncomfortable eyes before turning back, almost giggling. "That's Jules. He's my husband."

Tuca narrowed his eyes at the man which made him confused. "He's not like those mean men, right?" Tuca muttered into her ear with a lower tone.

"No. Not at all." At this, Tuca calmed down and went back to mindlessly staring at Jules who stared back at him in disbelief. What if he was a mean man?! Was the child gonna attack him?!

"What happened to the others? Why's it just you two?" (Y/N) asked Vam who had one set of her muscular arms resting behind her head while the other set folded against her back. "They left. Just me and Green."


"That's me!" Tuca excitingly raised his hand.

Vam giggled. "J'iraiya and the rest left abouuuuuut three and half years after you left. Me and Tuca wanted to travel together so we decided to not join them. We've only recently came back to the school for a break from our travels."

(Y/N) tilted her head at this. "Why did they decide to leave? You all seemed to be having a good thing going on here." The garden, the tents, the bonfire, the organized food. Not to mention a whole town to theirselves. Why leave all of that?

At this, Vam pursed her pale lips at the thought of something. "Just gotten bad lately."

"What do you mean?"

They reached a room by the classrooms and Vam kicked one open to a classroom that had two backpacks propped against a table near a chalkboard. Two adult sleeping bags laid near a makeshift fire pit with a teddy bear tucked into one of them. The desks were pushed to resemble a blockade near the windows and the teacher's desk was broken in pieces in order to fuel the fire pit. (Y/N) and Jules looked around while Vam went to where some clothes were laid out on the table and grabbed a coat for herself and some clothes for Tuca.

"Your people been gone for months that I thought you guys gave up the whole capturing thing." Vam tsked. "It was honestly refreshing not having to worry about stumbling across your dingy trucks."

She zipped the coat onto herself before snapping her fingers, and suddenly a fire at the fire pit sparked to life. Jules jumped in surprise but (Y/N) wasn't phased by it.

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