Chapter 2 - The Rush

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It's been getting closer and closer to the 1st of January and labs everywhere were busy preparing for the big day.

Castor Labs especially. They were a little behind on schedule but Mrs. Sitari had such an iron fist over the whole operation that most picked up the pace just to not get yelled at.

(Y/N) was a part of this rush as she was too busy getting the Keepers ready who'll be joining them above ground. Since they're still going to be capturing demons, they'll need Keepers to take care of them on the road. The maximum limit they can catch is 4 or 5 demon's depending on the sizes but (Y/N) is preparing at least 7 Keepers to bring.

She's been so busy lately that she nor her husband has had time to be at home. She had to ask her sister Nora if she can keep her daughter for the time being so she and Jules can focus entirely on work. She hated not having time to spend with Lil B but once everything is over her daughter is getting nothing but her attention.

"Uh, ma'am?"

(Y/N) looked over to one of her Keepers who came to her office above the cells. She nodded for him to come in and it was clear that the Head Keeper was tired. She had her head propped up with her arm and very tired eyes that the worker took notice of. "You alright? You seem exhausted."

"I'm fine. Just haven't had much sleep. You needed something?" She asked as she stretched.

"I just wanted to ask about where we will be keeping the demons that we captured once we're on the road? I'm sure there's a way but wouldn't it be too difficult?" The worker was a bit young compared to other Keepers. A lot of the workers (Y/N) chose for this were in their 30s and early 40s who had at least 5 years of experience with demons. She didn't want to bring any of the older Keepers with them knowing they might not be able to keep up with the constant moving. She didn't want to risk their health or safety.

(Y/N) rose from her seat and started heading towards the door, motioning for the worker to follow. "We recently received two vehicles that were designed to house us on the road and any demons we capture. It's better to see it for yourself."

She led the Keeper out of the labs and towards the hangers. A few of the other chosen Keepers joined as well upon her request. She thinks it'll be better to show them the vehicles they'll be using instead of describing them. Once they were all there and left gawking at the massive trucks that are meant to house them, in came the various questions that she quickly answered from the curious workers.

The trucks were huge. Like two roads wide and the length of an entire store. The cells for the demons were kept in the very backs while there were bunk beds stationed for the Keepers and a handful of scientists who are coming along. There were built on stations to accommodate specific needs like hygiene and food and storage for all the supplies they'll need to bring. From what Jules had told her, these trucks will be stationed at the very back of the group. Their massive size meant that they were slower than the rest of the vehicles and he wanted some regular trucks scouting ahead in the front.

"Ma'am?" A female Keeper whispered to (Y/N) while the others were distracted by the vehicles. (Y/N) nodded towards her and she watched the woman hesitate on what she wanted to ask. She was a bit younger than (Y/N), only a year difference, but been at the labs for about 4 years now. She works with the A-rank demons so (Y/N) saw her fit to bring.

"You think we will come across any human communities? I was thinking if they're not hostile towards us we can meet them? I know others won't agree but I've been fascinated by what you said about their community. If we're attempting to return to the surface, we should make peace with them."

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