Chapter 54 - The Brawl

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Violence Warning ⚠️

    Akai, standing over the body of Brus, stepped over him and started stalking towards Lamya.

    He was ready to get rid of these damn scouts once and for all. Every last one of them. He'll take care of the lil shit and his girlfriend soon but his anger was focused on the female demon that glared at him.

"You just made a terrible mistake, Akai." She growled.

"What's gonna happen?" He mocked. "Your precious King is gonna kill me? Give me a blood bath~?"

     Lamya's hands started to move that (Y/N) caught. The demon grinned at Akai before waving a hand up. "Just wait and see."

     Like a harsh breeze of wind hitting the ground, tons of snow were pushed up from the ground and into the air. Blocking the vision of everyone. (Y/N) felt a force around her body that gripped her waist and harshly pulled her from Vam and Tuca then straight past Akai in a flash. (Y/N) tried reaching out for something to grab but couldn't get a hold of anything.

"(Y/N)!" Vam yelled. She and Tuca went to pursue her but Akai sent another fireball hurling towards them that sent them back flying once it exploded.

     He quickly ran after Lamya himself, choosing to open his wings and fly to gain speed on them.

     (Y/N) was dragged off deeper into the farm with Lamya controlling her. When they reached a fenced off portion of the farm Lamya stopped and so did (Y/N). The woman had to recover from the whiplash before she was able to see a fuming Ki up ahead.

     Lamya went to turn back but saw Akai with arms jetting with flames coming up from behind.

    As Ki let out a screech and started to run, Lamya chuckled. She hovered (Y/N) higher up into the air to keep her nice and in place before pulling two poles from the sheath on her back.

"What an honor. I get to slaughter the idiots~."

     (Y/N) couldn't help but watch as Ki ran up first and swung his claw down on her. Lamya evaded just in time and whipped her pole around before shooting it, Ki dodged but couldn't avoid the pole leaving a long gash into his side. He hissed and swung his tail at her but she jumped up high and controlled her previous poll to return to her, slashing up Ki's neck in its path. Akai shot up towards the sky with a flamed fist. Lamya positioned the poles to act as shields that blocked his punch before she maneuvered her hand to send Akai flying back down and crashing into Ki.

     The female shot back down to the ground as well and once she landed, her hands shot out and sent a wave of force that pushed both the demons back. Crashing into some fences and a tractor a few yards away.

     Ki and Akai haven't been able to lay a finger on her. (Y/N) figured out what Lamya's tactic was. Keep them at a distance as much as possible. If not, she uses the poles to basically gun them down. (Y/N) tried struggling against Lamya's hold on her but couldn't do much. Her arms were locked to her sides as if she was tied up.

     As Ki and Akai were getting up, Lamya hovered the poles next to her and cracked her knuckles as she glared at them. "We can do this all day boys. Besides-"

     The poles turned to face them like missiles targeting. "I want to drag out your deaths nice and slowly for killing my friend."

      Akai kicked the fence away from his path. "That motherfucker deserves to be dead! I won't have to look at his ugly mug anymore."

"I could've granted you that freedom by removing you from the world." Lamya taunted. "It would've been a win win, Akai."

      Tuca and Vam finally caught up, slightly injured from Akai's fireball but not enough to keep them down. When they saw the standoff, Vam quickly held Tuca back and stayed their distance.

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