Chapter 24 - The Doctor

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"You didn't have to put three holes into her side to subdue her, Ki."

"I did what I had to."

(Y/N) cringed in pain while Yama stitches up her wound. The faulty bandages Akai had put on her barely held anything. She was lucky she didn't bleed out completely. But didn't expect much from Akai's bandage work.

(Y/N) barely spoke after her encounter with the King. Even when Ki and Akai tried to get her to talk to them, she didn't say anything. She held this defeated look on her face that made Yama feel sorry for her. All that work to get away from those two only to end up back in their hands.

"The fucker, Zankoku. I'll kill him when I have the chance!" Akai grumbled to himself, watching his brother work on the woman he loved. Yama rolled his eyes. "You won't even get a yard close to him. What damage could you do?"

"Oh, you'll see once we get his hold off of us. Then it's game over for him~." Akai spoke with venom at the thought of slaughtering the big brute he calls his leader. "And speaking of hold, how further are you with the surgery?"

Yama started applying bandages to (Y/N) while she tried to listen. Zankoku had a hold on them?

"I'm almost done with it. I just need more time."

"How much time do you fucking need?! It's been two years!" Akai questioned. "Any longer and I'll go fucking insane."

"You try creating a combatant against someone like Zankoku and see just how hard it is!" Yama snapped back, tossing the bandages harshly into his bag.

(Y/N) sat up and pushed herself further into the corner of the dingy bed she was on. They had took her to a sort of cell with three padded walls but bars on the last. The room was dark with its only light source being Yama's lamp and the candles outside.

The doctor groaned and started gathering his things from the bed. "Shouldn't you two be off doing something instead of pestering me? I need room to work here."

"We have time."

(Y/N) flinched at Ki's dark voice. He stood near the bars and kept his eyes only on her. The light from the candles in the halls reflected off his white hair and eye giving him a ghostly look that (Y/N) found unsettling. But since she's had time to actually look at Ki and Akai, she noticed just how much they changed.

Akai looked pretty much the same as how she remembered him but instead of his shorter hair, he kept the shoulder length look and curved red horns instead of the spiky ones. But they were the only differences she can tell. But she has seen how he's been flinching every now and then since they put her in this room, handcuffed to the bed...

Ki, however, changed the most. Of course, his white hair and eyes stayed. That was a sign that he was completely feral but when looking at his eyes, only one was visible. The other was underneath bandages that covered the entire left side of his face and neck. Even bandages on his tail and hands. He kept his hair up in a ponytail with some streaks falling down that made him look unkempt.

Yama didn't change as much since she last saw him 6 years ago. He looked the same, just in different clothes. But he seemed more stressed. Being in this type of environment, (Y/N) could understand if he was.

"I need to finish checking her for injuries you two may have given her and can do so without being hovered over." Yama waved for them to leave but Ki began to growl. "I said we have time."

"And I said you need to get to work. You of all people should know just how impatient Zankoku is, Ki."

The two had a sort of deadly standoff that made (Y/N) push herself deeper into the corner.

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