Chapter 17 - The Warning

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    It took some minutes before the carriers were able to reach the rest of the group. But once they arrived, it was already the aftermath of the attack.

    (Y/N) stayed near the carriers as she watched Jules and Axel at work inspecting the two demon corpses that the Capturers were fortunately able to take down. The two demons were humanoid and bulky in build. (Y/N) assumed they had to be of the muscle type judging by how large and muscular they were. They even flipped an entire truck and almost the tank too!

     Most of the Capturers were busy with getting the flipped truck right side up again while the others were keeping a lookout for the other two demons who were seen before they left.

     (Y/N) decided to approach the corpses after fighting her nerves back. She secured her helmet on her head and began walking but felt a small hand slide into hers. She looked down and saw Tuca walking with her but his snake eyes stayed on the two dead demons up ahead. He started to lowly growl the closer they got and pushed himself closer to (Y/N).

"What's wrong?" She asked. She's never seen him act like this in his child form before.

"They smell bad." He scrunched up his nose and continued to growl.

     (Y/N) went to ask more before noticing Vam walking along the tree line looking out into the woods. She seemed defensive as well, balling up her fists and keeping her eyes in the trees.

     Were they sensing something?

     As she finally made it to the corpses, she cringed at how mangled the bullets left their bodies. Holes everywhere and black blood slowly seeping out, some freezing in the air, some evaporating.

"This guy was the one who rammed the truck." Axel said, kicking a demon with massive horns that looked strong enough to break anything. "And according to the others, he was one of the three they first saw. The other guy showed up soon after two demons left."

"Did you see which direction they went in?" Jules turned to one of the original Capturers who was in the trucks that scouted ahead. The woman had sprained her lower arm when the truck was flipped and was scratching the material of the cast one of the scientists had put on her. She was still a bit startled from how fast everything happened.

"They went east but we lost them in the trees. It's too dark out here to see where they went."

     (Y/N) glanced to Vam who was indeed stalking the trees to the east. Axel noticed this too and tsked. "I guess she can tell where they went."

     The Head Keeper crotched down to the bodies in order to get a closer look at them while Tuca hid behind her. She listened to the others as she inspected the clothes the demons were wearing. The fabric was so tattered and old that she could easily rip it in one tug. Considering how cold it was at night, they must've been freezing from how little they wore.

"Did any of you see what the two who left looked liked?"

"Barely. The moonlight showed their silhouettes but it was still too dark to tell. One was sort of crouched down and had multiple skinny limbs. When it left it was like it darted away." The Capturer shivered.

'Multiple skinny limbs?' Thinking back to the spider demon she encountered, could that have been it?

"The other?" Axel urged. "You see anything noteworthy about the other?"

"Well not really. Like I said, it's dark out here. From what I could make out, it had horns. Not big ones but small and it had a tail. A long skinny one I think. You can ask the others but I think it had blond hair or at least light hair from what the moonlight was showing."

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