Chapter 56 - The Light

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Violence and Blood Warning ⚠️

"Wow. You really are something."

    (Y/N)'s eyes opened up and went over to a the sudden voice.

    The voice was feminine. Light but with some edge to it. When she looked she spotted a demon with creamish colored skin and long blonde hair that flew in the autumn wind. She was laying atop a ruined boat like she was simply watching a show. Even though the sky was growing dark, the demon's eyes still shined a bright hazel as she stared curiously at something past (Y/N).

     Turning to look, (Y/N) saw another demon who looked ragged, startled, scared even. The other demon had dark brown skin, was about 6'5 ft in height, and had a sheet tied over his head with cut eyeholes in them. Revealing dark brown eyes that stared in shock at the female demon who smiled at him.

"No one was able to take down the Bear like that. Not even once." She spoke as she tilted her head in her hands. "You must be pretty strong."

     The other demon breathed heavily as he looked down to the giant bear like demon below his feet. It was massive. Three heads that all tried to bite at and rip him apart, long hard fur that felt like needles, and multiple limbs that made it hard for the Bear to even walk. But he killed it. Something other demons couldn't do.

     The female one lifted herself up and dangled her legs over the top of the boat, her patchwork dress soon falling around them, showing years a repairs and mendings done to it.

     She hopped off the boat and sauntered over to the other demon while he took steps back in fear, still shaken up from the previous fight. She leaned with her hips to inspect the beast, kicking at its legs before finally deducing that it was dead.

"So... What's your name?" She turned to look at him. "Others in the area should know who was the one to take out this guy."

     He was about to speak but suddenly another demon, similar in appearance to him with a sheet tied around his head, except he had pitch black skin and long black hair that fell down his chest in two braids appeared next to him and looked down at the Bear too. He was carrying a large handmaid ax on his back that was tied around his chest and a woven sack resting on his hip. "C'mon. We have to bag him."

"Bag him?" She asked, gaining the new demon's attention. "Bag him for what?"

     The new demon looked down at her, inspecting her body before turning to his companion. "Who's she?"

"I-I don't-"

"I'm Sade." She beamed and held her hand out to the two. "And you are?"

     The two males only watched her before the one with braids rejected her hand and started grabbing the Bear's head. "J'iraiya. That's my brother-"

"Zankoku." He reached out for her hand and shook it, making her smile.

     (Y/N)'s eyes widened as things began to change. That was J'iraiya?! Tuca's dad. And Zankoku? But they looked and sounded so young. Was she in a memory?

     A night sky began to appear with the light of a fire pit illuminating everything. (Y/N) looked around and saw a parking lot with cars and trucks pushed to form a half circle against a brick wall to an old store.

"He just doesn't understand!" A deep growl yelled as a loud crash of a car door scared the woman.

     She whipped around to see a fuming Zankoku with a different cloth wrapped around his head this time. He looked a bit older and his voice was becoming more deeper but he was seething in rage. He turned around to the female demon who accompanied him and watched him in pity.

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