Chapter 21 - The Spider

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Violence Warning ⚠️

"There goes that mark again..."

"They get creepier and creepier every time we find them... It's getting tiring at this point."

"Hopefully we don't run into that King thing or whatever the demons called it."

    Two Capturers conversed as they watched the Scientists examine the mark that was recently found painted onto the rusted wall of the boat warehouse they were in. The sun was beginning to set and beams of light coming through the cracked windows lit up the mark while shadows covered the rest. A scientist held up a lantern to allow the others some way of seeing but the light wasn't enough to fully show it.

    Unlike other marks, this one was bigger. The walls of the warehouse were rather tall and the area the mark covered looked like frames and other objects were previously moved to allow the demon who painted the mark to have a huge canvas. They wondered how much blood was used to create the ominous painting and the answer was soon discovered when Capturers happened upon a large demon corpse underneath a pile of tarps and metal pipes. The demon was already a skeleton with some skin hanging off the bones. It was animalistic, resembling a large bull or ox. It must've been the sacrifice used to make the mark mural on the wall.

    Since the boat warehouse was mostly clear of any boats on the inside the crew was able to move all their vehicles indoors and used one of the carriers to block off the entrance. The other carrier and the tank were parked towards the far back wall while the rest of the trucks were lined up near the huge broken garage door that was used to bring boats in.

    Walking past the mark mural, (Y/N) scanned her eyes over the creepy painting and wondered how the demon was able to paint it. They had to be pretty tall or have some type of way of painting the top. Not to mention they now have to sleep by that wall for a couple of days...

    She took her eyes away and proceeded to the carrier that was inside the warehouse. She pressed a button that opened the door and climbed inside, already hearing Vam taunting the demon they had recently captured and placed inside the cage. Tuca in his true form leaned against a wall and simply watched the captured demon and his girlfriend go back and forth with each other. One desperate to get out while the other enjoying their caged predicament.

"How could you work for humans?! They kill us demons!"

    Vam smirked and shook her head. "Me and him are an exception." She nodded towards Tuca. "You're the one who didn't wanna play nice. Now you're in a cage~."

    The demon growled at her. It was humanoid and could be passed off as an old sailor man if it wasn't for the webbed tail hanging from its back and matching webbed hands and feet. It had greyish skin that was rough and spotted in some places and even eyes that glowed a pale greenish-yellow in the dim cage. It wore old raggedy coveralls and a thick sweater with a beanie while its coat laid tossed on the floor by its feet.

"Just wait till I get out of here. You'll ALL be sorry!" The demon hissed.

    Vam rolled her eyes and turned around when she sensed (Y/N) approaching. "Good luck talking to this asshole. All he's doing is running his mouth."

"I can handle him. Don't worry." (Y/N) smiled to Vam before standing in front of the cage.

    The demon glared at her, clearly pissed off from being thrown in a cage. While the Capturers were scouting the place, making sure there weren't any threats, this demon was found taking up residence on the walkways above and proved some trouble for the Capturers to handle. He was a transmute judging by how he hardened his skin to the point where regular bullets ricocheted off his body and grew multiple spikes along his arms to shoot them like darts at the humans. Seeing the humans have trouble with him, Vam and Tuca decided to step in and help. Vam used her abilities to pin the demon down with multiple steel beams and pipes while Tuca took the chance to bite into the demon's neck and inject a venom that paralyzed him, effectively subduing the demon.

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