Chapter 9 - The Church

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Should I be finishing my finals instead of writing another chapter? Yes

Am I using this as an excuse to procrastinate cause I need a break from art assignments? Also yes

Gore warning ⚠️

    She's never been so... unnerved by a building in her life...

    The way everything was falling apart, the old paintings of religious figures being eaten away by the elements, not to mention the podium sinking halfway into the floor. It didn't help that the church was just so quiet with barely any light escaping from the boarded up windows. A couple of standing lights had to be placed in order for everyone to see.

    (Y/N) had calmed down since the attack earlier and luckily she wasn't harmed. The adrenaline from it all did began to make her tired but she wanted to look around the church some more and had Axel tag along with her. 

    Well it was more so she wasn't allowed to leave his side for the time being after the attack.

    Axel walked ahead into the small hallway towards the back of the church while (Y/N) waits for a signal to enter too. There was only three doors in the dark hallway with a hatch on the floor towards the back that led to something below. There wasn't much in any of the rooms so he nodded for her to follow.

    (Y/N) peeked into each room she had passed and most of them had the church's furniture shoved away. There were signs that someone tried fortifying the place by blocking out the windows, an old campfire in one of the rooms, and the benches' cushion being ripped out and used as some type of bedding. She wondered what happened to the person or demon.

"Yeaaaaa I don't know if we should go down there..." Axel muttered as he stared at the rusted hatch on the floor.

     (Y/N) walked up to it to get a closer look and stopped next to the man. "Shouldn't it be investigated anyway? It wouldn't be a full perimeter sweep if this is never looked at."

"(Y/N) look at it! That's a horror movie waiting to happen!" Axel kicked the handle with his boot to exaggerate his point.

"Then we'll get some more Capturers. We have to check everything before settling in, Axel, even the creepy old basement that could be haunted." (Y/N) said as she left to go retrieve more Capturers while Axel stared at the hatch with suspicious eyes.

    He wanted to make the four Capturers (Y/N) had brought back enter the creepy lower level first but got bullied into heading down before them. (Y/N) stayed above but watched the five of them go down the rusty ladder and shine their lights attached to their guns across the room. When they disappeared from sight, (Y/N) grew a little worried for them.

"They down there?"

    (Y/N) felt Jules' arms wrap around her from behind and his helmet rest against hers. She nodded as her eyes remained on the darkness below, wondering what was down there. "Should we follow them?"

    Jules shook his head. "If it isn't big down there then they won't need us. They're fine."

    She reached her arms up to pull her helmet off to see better. She hooked it onto her pants and felt Jules lay his helmet covered head back against hers and squeeze her body tighter. She wasn't able to move much from his huge arms keeping hers in place. "I'm still alive, babe."

"That was too close of a call. You could've been seriously hurt."

"But thanks to your training, I managed to free myself. It worked, didn't it? I don't want you stressing this much and losing focus on our mission, ok?" (Y/N) looked up to him and squeezed his hand that rested against her hip.

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