Chapter 50 - The Talk

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Art by Jan Douglas Bert Walter

Slight gore warning ⚠️

     A demon...

     They were going to turn her into a demon...

    This was something she never expected them to even consider. But it did make sense in their eyes. She'll be old and frail while they'll still be remotely the same. They'll want to keep her around for the rest of their lives, not just a portion of it.

     But even then, they are still just thinking about what they want. Not her. Her choices never mattered to them. Nothing outside of what they love matters to them.

     That conversation had happened hours ago. She wasn't even sure what time of day it was. It could still be nighttime or afternoon. All because of this damned blindfold wrapped around her eyes.

     All her mind could think about since that conversation with Ki and Akai was them forcing that hold onto her.

     Ki had been asleep on the couch and had her laying against his chest before he had to leave due to Akai hearing some noises somewhere on the farm. But even when Ki had picked her up and made her rest against him, she didn't have the will to fight him off. She just let him cuddle with her. Even he expected her to at least budge a bit.

     She was scared that she might be slowly accepting her situation. She had fought so much these last weeks and it all ends like this? Her still in her kidnappers' grasps? Her soon becoming a demon? Having to abandon her family for their own safety? She's tried. She's tried so much. And it all feels like it's for nothing.

     What could she even do next? What could she do that wouldn't guarantee the danger to those she cares about?

     The last thing she would want is for Jules or Axel to get hurt because of her actions. If she's gone, at least her daughter will still have her father and godfather.

     (Y/N) jumped when she heard old wood creaking and something quietly land on the floor. She didn't hear anything else, so it wasn't Ki or Akai. Yama would have addressed her by now too.

"Dog?" She whispered.

     Still no response. Maybe it was him.

     She didn't speak any further. Instead going back to her balled up position on the couch. Her legs close to her chest and her tied up arms covering her head. If it wasn't Dog, there wouldn't be much she could do anyways...

     But she was right, however. It was Dog. He had come in to check on her upon Ki and Akai's order. If they weren't back in five minutes then they wanted Dog to go in and guard her. But he did want to make sure she was alright. The lady had been so quiet and still that it scared Dog when he realized she hadn't moved from the couch in so long. She wasn't tied down to it, she can move her feet. But he can visually see all the motivation and bravery she once had was draining away. So different from before.

     He would be a liar if he said he didn't feel the most at fault for all of this. She could've been safe away from Ki and Akai, but Dog had to be a coward and ruin that chance for her.

    If he hadn't left her in that library alone with Brus and Lamya, maybe she would be back with her people by now.

     Yama was right. He doesn't deserve her kindness. He doesn't deserve her time or her acknowledgment. Knowing he'll just continue to let her down every chance he gets. That's why he didn't want to speak to her. She would just be wasting her breath.

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