Chapter 22 - The Fire

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Violence Warning ⚠️

"My- My leaders are dangerous and they want-"

     Those thoughts of the other night filled her mind so much.

     She finally had the chance to speak with the spider demon but didn't learn much in the process. Every question she asked was something he couldn't answer. But she did learn more about him.

     He's scared... It's so easy to tell.

     He's keeping information from her. It's understandable that he's saving his own skin and doesn't want to go against Zankoku but she has a feeling that there's more to it. She can't tell why but the spider demon must know more than just Demon King. Something that's important but too risky to say. Something that he doesn't want to tell her...

"Earth to (Y/N)! You there?!"

     (Y/N) came out of her thoughts when she noticed Axel's gloved hand waving in front of her helmet. He even tapped the glass a couple of times before he finally got her attention. She blinked quickly and looked up at him. "I'm sorry- I was just... thinking."

"About what? You've been spacing out since this morning." Axel spoke as the two walked together. They were currently scouting out the area with other Capturers led by Jules, looking out for demons, any more strange markings, whatever may show up.

    (Y/N) clutched the satchel straps laying across her body. She has been uneasy ever since she talked with the spider demon but she hasn't told anyone about the encounter yet. "Just everything that's been happening. It's our first trip and it already feels like too much for us to handle."

    Axel hummed along, agreeing.

"It's like the further we go North the more we'll have to deal with. We haven't had any casualties yet but it makes me worry for everyone..." (Y/N) muttered to herself.

    Her friend looked ahead at all the Capturers with them. Around 12 others along with Jules towards the front. He let his gun rest on his shoulder pointing towards the blue sky and sighed. "A big part of being a Capturer is worrying about your team. You have to expect anything to happen and to be ready for it. There's no telling what can happen on the surface."

     (Y/N) watched Axel. "You seem more confident in the team than worried."

"Oh believe me. This job stresses me out on the daily!" Axel exclaimed. "Seeing your allies hurt and injured, even those who have lost their lives can make anyone scared to come up to the surface. But you can't let that hinder you or else someone will get hurt. You have to push those thoughts aside so you can focus in order to keep others safe. It's what me and Jules have been trying to teach everyone."

     (Y/N) wasn't used to Axel talking like this. He's always been goofy, protective, and confident that most would assume that nothing really bothers him. She knows that's not the case but her friend is really good at putting up a front around others.

"Besides, it helps showing faith in your teammates. Keeps the morale up." Axel shrugged. "So don't worry too much. As long as the team is focused and prepared, we'll be alright."

    She smiled and nodded, loosening her grip on her satchel. Listening to Axel did ease her nerves a bit. She does tend to worry a lot and it can be hard to calm down sometimes but she is confident in her team. She has to be. They were able to get this far with only minor injuries. She can't stop doubting them now.

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