Chapter 16 - The Road

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"I'm not a threat. We're not a threat. I'm asking for you to be our friend so that we won't be threats to each other... You don't have to follow us..."

"I- I do..."

    That moment replayed in (Y/N)'s mind ever since her encounter with the demon. There's no doubt that it had to be one of the scouts Tuca and Vam talked about. It even admitted to following them. But it 'has' to follow them?

'Zankoku only makes strong demons his scouts. But are some being forced against their will?' She thought as she lay in her bunk and pondered this. How powerful was he that he can just force other strong demons to work for him?

     But that spider demon didn't look strong. The way it moved, all hunched over and keeping low to the ground as if it was too scared to make a move on her. Its voice was so hushed and ragged like it wasn't used to speaking up either. It just came off so meek and startled that (Y/N) guessed that it wasn't as strong just by its behavior. But she can be wrong. Demons are unpredictable.

     But if she had to guess now, maybe it wasn't the scout. Vam mentioned that scouts act as their own leaders and that spider demon can't possibly be a leader with that kind of attitude. So maybe it's working for a scout?

     A bump from the carrier took the woman from her thoughts as she felt the body of the little boy on her stomach move in his sleep. Tuca, in his child form, made a small whining sound before becoming situated on the woman's stomach and falling back to sleep. (Y/N) smiled and softly patted his messy brown hair before glancing up to Vam who wasn't too far away. She was also asleep, leaning against the opposite wall with her top pair of arms behind her head and the bottom two crossed across her chest.

     Three Keepers who were awake would quietly walk by every now and then and take glances at the two sleeping demons, two being amazed while one a little uncomfortable. They didn't expect to have demons in the carriers who weren't in the cages.

     It was currently nighttime and the Zone has since then left the school to continue their route. (Y/N) was at first sad to be leaving the place, believing this would be the last time in a while for her to be with Tuca again. For as much as she wanted to stay with him, she still had a job to do.

     But to her surprise, Tuca approached her a couple of hours before they were supposed to leave and asked if he and Vam could come along with them.

      He was still in his true form and despite not being able to show emotion, (Y/N) could feel that he was slightly nervous about something. She was helping the Capturers pack up their camping supplies and Tuca was simply watching from the sidelines before he gained the courage to approach her. Vam was with him but stayed behind and watched the humans boredly.

     (Y/N) felt a tap on her shoulder as she handed a rolled up sleeping bag to a Capturer and turned around to see him looking down with his hands behind his back. "Yes, Tuca?"

"I know that you and your people have to leave and this might be the last time I see you for who knows how long..."

     Vam listened in from where she was and felt bad for her boyfriend. It did feel too soon for the two to separate after so long.

     (Y/N) sadly nodded and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know... But the next time I'm above ground, I'll be sure to look for you!"

"But- would it be ok with you if..." He stopped and looked back to Vam who raised an eyebrow back. 'What is he doing?'

"If me and Vam come with you?"


      (Y/N) widened her eyes as Vam zoomed on over using her manipulation ability to make her faster. She grabbed Tuca's arm and nervously chuckled. "Hehehe Green, what do you mean...?"

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